Adebisi's hat

Someone has a little trouble differentiating reality from fantasy...

I don’t know about the Witcher (never played) but the hookers in GTA V are independent from the story, and there is zero incentive to interact let alone kill them.

I played GTA V 18 months after it came out, I was pretty surprised how insignificant hookers were to the overall game after all the press they received.

It sounds like you have a hard time separating fantasy and reality young gorilla.

As someone who’s seen every episode at least 5 times (hey I play the DVDs when I’m trying to fall asleep at night), I’d say this is fairly accurate. Last strong season was S11, which was 2007/2008 for sure. Since then they’ve had maybe a good episode or two each season.

She seems ambiguous as to whether she felt she was raped or not, i’m kinda just as confused.

She rights professionally about games, but her personal views are on her youtube channel. Unfortunately, she makes 5 videos a week so it’s hard to pinpoint specific things she said, but this vid is good to listen to while playing FIFA (or whatever it is you tend to play)

His explanation of Anita’s backlash is interesting, but I’d say that Liana Kerzner (Writes for The Escapist) proposed something more succinct and elegant. She said that the gamer identify was quite marginalized until fairly recently, and critics like Anita, Leigh Alexander, etc remind some gamers of the type of person

haha exactly

Trigger Warnings are not necessarily a bad idea even in an academic setting, what is worrying is when students try to stop speakers with divergent views from them from speaking at their schools.

Ellen, if you love your girl don’t leave her alone around Ruby for real

We don’t really need to speculate - we’re animals plain and simple.

Bruh you come across as a bit too MRA-y or Evo-psychy for this audience. I don’t have a problem with MRAs, but this article is about violent Neolithic farmers and you trying to connect that to women’s behaviour today doesn’t make sense

Yup, can’t argue with most of this because it’s probably true. Except the sexual dimorphism in homo sapiens is probably something that came out 100s of thousands, if not millions of years ago, since our closest non human primates all seem to exhibit the same type of sexual dimorphism.

I thought it was well known that height is not indicative of penis size. Well, not to people who don't know how to use Google I guess

Mammals is a broad category encompassing enormously diverse groups of species. But our closest primate relatives have the same deal going on, males larger than females

Or it could be u know tha women preferred taller males to mate with. Which ensured that on average their female children would turn out to be shorter than their male children.

Yeah but that depends on this obviously disturbed individual being able to name those areas. If you’re not a native Torontonian (of which more than half the city ain’t), you tend to pin point areas of the city by street/intersection and not necessarily neighbourhood. I’m guessing of course, but in his mind he

That’s exactly what they did. They thought hey, where’s the nearest concentration of black people near U of T. Jarvis St? I’m sure they have guns, and if you give them a little money (because $40 is a lot to black people of course), they’ll gladly rent you their guns

Jarvis is a street near downtown Toronto