Adebisi's hat

The crew bickering can be fun, heck that’s what made the first Avengers movie

Are we talking about the same thing? Coz i’m talking about the use of misogyny vs sexism, not about the legality of what they did. I’m sure a 1st year law student with a dictionary could convince a jury on which word is more appropriate to use in this case. Remember I ain’t defending these ass hats by any means

My main point was about the use of the word misogyny vs sexism. This poster used the “objectification” argument to back up calling these cops misogynistic.

Here’s another tip, use words correctly. There is already a word to describe this broad complex social phenomenon, and it is not misogyny.

Lol you again. Maybe it's all connected. The misogyny in porn to the misogyny in this juvenile conversation. Coz guys talking about boobs is clearly diabolical.

Yeah, but i don’t buy that whole because they were objectifying her behind her back that they hate women. Not to downplay how harmful and inappropriate that behavior is in any workplace let alone with cops. If they were in a strip club, their objectification might be welcome there

I agree the synonymous use of the two is confusing. Tho I’d add that because misogyny literally means the hatred of women, it should be used when we’re trying to denote more sinister attitudes towards women. I’m not saying it has to be Elliot Rodger level before we call it misogynistic, but the word just doesn’t fit

And I realize we shouldn’t be saying “well at least it was just sexism and not misogyny!”. Still gross as hell

Those cops are idiots, and as officers shouldn’t be sexualizing a civilian, but they’re behaviour would be more accurately described as sexism than misogyny. However inappropriate that conversation, it did not come off as stemming from a hatred or disdain of women.

I’ve noticed this too, more and more people conflate misogyny with good old fashioned sexism. Not to defend these idiots, but “misogyny” as in the hatred of women is not what I was detecting when listening to their dumb ass convo.

Yeah she’s got a pretty weak case. Which will be tragic assuming she’s telling the truth.

The outrage you’re getting is baffling. Like what other recourse does someone who gets raped today have? Yes, a lot of cops have perfunctory training when it comes to dealing with rape victims, so campaign for better cop training. But going to the authorities is literally the only legal recourse you have when a crime

“A complete guide to buying her flowers”. Don’t. Just don’t

And I don’t doubt you, I’m sure you and many in your industry are able to recognize when you need to make subtle changes like that. But with some scripts, that could mean rewriting huge chunks of the dialogue, then your job goes from being a translator to being a script writer

I agree, a billion is still a success by any measure. If you think about it, it’s still quite an exceptional feat, for the original and it’s sequel to both gross over $1.3 billion

My initial point was not about the competence of the translators (although my GOTG reference kinda made it sound like it - my fault). Studios have a vested interest in getting the best translation possible, so I have no doubts about the quality of these translators.

More people will come out for a sequel, but right now many just didn’t get it.

It had an impact in the echo chamber, where it really matters

Can you say the same thing about the Russian translation? Or the Chinese translation? It’s not that non-English speakers can’t follow deep plots, its that often something literally gets lost in the translation. Especially when it comes to humor. Didn’t GoTG have this really weird title in Chinese?

I actually like AoU, but it made $100 million less, not $100 grand less. Plus I’m sure Ant-Man is a good movie but it was always going to be a hard sell. I have a friend who sees about 3 movies a month without fail who refuses to go and see a movie about an Ant. Man.