Adebisi's hat

Yup, still wondering how they made infidelity a “feminist issue” when cheating isn’t really a gender issue. That reveals quite a bit of bias in their approach to this issue.

Isn’t it illegal in most Western countries to NOT disclose your HIV status to a sexual partner? I know people have been prosecuted for that in here in Canada anyways.

Only one way to know for sure though, plug his email into the database

Yup, based on the sheer volume of accounts, chances are we all know a married person that made an account

Well, best plug his/her email into the database just to make sure it’s legit

Lol it’s worst than that

For heaven’s sake I hope you do the humane thing and eat that chicken!

lol it’s a mostly self employed/commission only type gig, so you get tons of agents making close to nothing. and a few making millions. But in JLaw’s case, that agent is probably out there getting her those roles and negotiating her salary.

btn 5 to 10%, with Uncle Sam taking another 40%. So they generally take home half of the quoted figures, but it’s still a lot for sure

This is total earnings in 12 moth period and it could include residuals.

Looks like she made more than Captain America and Thor combined. Probably because of Lucy though

Exactly, its akin to a popularity contest. But it is entertainment, I can’t criticize who people tend to find entertaining.

fucking excellent comment

More than 60 percent of people polled agreed that women should take their husbands’ last names after marriage, while less than half said a man should be allowed to take his wife’s last name.

Lol this just isn’t true. Most men (at least 51%) would not take their wife’s last name. And actually most women (at least same percentage) would feel more comfortable taking their husband’s last name than vice versa.

Yeah you’re right I forget that not every company does the top up during maternity. Not to mention many industries are shifting towards using “full time” contract labour to avoid paying benefits. Plus the obscene cost of day care!

Lol only for upper class people? That doesn’t even make sense. From what I’ve seen, it probably works “less” for executives (who tend to be upper class I guess), who kinda have to return sooner because their jobs are more demanding. Those execs are almost always able to afford full time nannies, which is out of reach

Easy question to answer, take a quick look at Canada that has a max of I think 50 weeks maternity leave. 90% of working mothers took an average of 44 weeks of leave. Every situation is different, but I think more than half new mothers become mothers because they want to. Newborns are hard work but I honestly can