Adebisi's hat

So how’d you like the rich visual story telling in FIFA?

When it comes to appearance, black people are far more flexible accepting people of all complexions into the black community, than other communities (e.g. white or asian people). I’ve seen this with African Americans and Africans when I lived in (various countries in) Africa.

This is the most pragmatic answer ever, it’s so true. Most folks don’t visit GM type sites that regularly discuss social issues, and that goes for both (all?) genders. You mention Rachel Dolezal or Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner, they just laugh because these cases are just peculiarities to them and that’s it.

Why thank you lots of dumb shit comes through my Twitter timeline and I tend to save the candid ones. No clue what red pill reference is supposed to be and don't feel like googling movie references right now.

Exactly, no one says “You’ve got to have blue eyes or else I’m not interested” lol

Having grown up on a different continent that’s not quite height obsessed, I always found it odd how particular people are about a few inches. This article is literally buzzing about a 3 inch range in a man’s height, not dick size, not finger size, but the entire length of the body. I’m not even considered short, but

Are you the same height or shorter than Kit?

Um, it was David who slew Goliath, not Joshua. Jesus Christ Dolezals get ur shit together.

Lol Jezzies this page’s gonna be used against you by the MRA types at sum point. But Fuk it, what are celebs for if you can't have a little fun with them once in a while

I don’t know, if Bruce Jenner had put down “female” at an airport even 3 years ago, it would have also been seen as misrepresenting himself. At this point the difference between gender and race is not really important in this argument, it’s about whether your surrounding community accepts you.

I’d need to see how they were disadvantaged by being misidentified as her children instead of adoptive siblings. But at the same time, I won’t defend her anymore till the schism in her household is resolved, obviously if they’re going on TV ratting her out, she has no support at home

That awkward moment when you start cheering for the White Walkers coz everything else so fucked up

Geez I knew someone like that once. For me, I can stand someone like Rachel Dolezal more than a pathological liar who feels the need to lie about arbitrary crap. But that's just me

Thanks, I’m gonna call em and offer my support for her

Yeah I’m not convinced what she’s done has been at the expense of less privileged people. But I will acknowledge that we probably would not be talking about her if she was not the head of an NAACP chapter. If every other detail was the same but that facet, we wouldn’t have cared as much. That being said her

Damn this is such a masterful deconstruction!

Nah I don’t think anyone anywhere is praising her. Racist (white) folk probably don’t understand why she’d want to be a “n-word” anyway. Black folk are generally pissed too.

I hear ya, being black in the US is fukkin tuff, probably even more so as a woman.

In the larger scheme of things, is there any benefit from this situation for African Americans or race relations in general?