Adebisi's hat

This issue really got you fired up huh? I can’t excuse her fraud, but besides that i’m keeping an open mind about possible identity issues

To me this is sorta like those kids who are so into Anime they try to live as one of those characters.

Black people on Twitter are easily offended esp. on racial issues. Fucking DJ Charlemagne Tha God (while not being the emperor of black people, is a very influential mouthpiece), found it highly amusing when someone said “race was a social construct”. Remember how pissed black Twitter got when Raven Symone said not to

Exactly!!! Thank you!!

Give ‘em some credit, they really tried to be objective in this article. Its a start

Yup, and if you notice many posters are digging deep into their ideological bags to give lengthy explanations as to why she’s wrong and that we can’t compare this to Caitlyn Jenner.

I hear ya, but humans just aren’t that smart yet, to have a test that accurately pinpoints these “gendered” differences in the brain. Science always stress that the brain is the least understood organ in the body. Richard Dawkins said that understanding how the brain “houses” the mind and how this came about is

MK, don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s inconsistent to say you can change your sex to suite your identity “medically” but the same cannot be done with race if you “exclude tanning etc”. Why exclude tanning (which anyone can do) when you’ve included medical procedures (which are far more extreme)?

Oh race is absolutely a social construct, even the racist scientists of the early 20th century came to that conclusion. Gender seems to be more complicated.

You can’t have gender as a social construct and still believe in “male” and “female” brains. This is why 2nd wavers generally don’t get behind the trans cause, it’s incongruent with a central tenant of their ideology.

This only works if we agree that gender is not a social construct, coz race sure as hell is a construct

You could literally apply this entire argument to trans people

Lol. Even shitlords need safe spaces. Just ignore ‘em is what I says

Not really anything wrong with it, but it’s probably something you say at private dinners, not in the company of reporters

I hear ya, but c’mon, modelling is a profession that centers on appearance, cardiology and most other professions are not.

Surely this “because of guns” argument falls apart when you look outside of the US, where guns are not readily accessible, but men still succeed at suicide like 3-4X more than women. I know this always devolves into an argument on which gender has it worse, which I’m definitely steering clear of.

Oh, I see what you mean. Incredible movie, tho I guess that aspect just went over my head. The OP also had another point about the original X-men movies, almost half the cast were women and no one had issue with it back then.

There are other things posted on this site that the country cares less about, tells us so much about you that you fixate on this

I agree, Hollywood has surprisingly become more conservative in the last 15 years, hence the proliferation of remakes/sequels. Marvel can afford to make less conservative choices, and they’ll have to to keep audiences engaged, GOTG is an amazing example.

You said so yourself in a different post (I think), Black Widow has come to represent women in superhero movies instead of just being an ancillary character, which was how she originally was envisioned in the MCU.