Adebisi's hat

Yeah but the medical profession didn’t ask you if you wanted to know the tooth’s gender before they took it out.

She has a kid now and she doesn’t talk about the abortion at all. I guess she won’t tell the child about it unless she chooses to and the child is old enough to understand? Anyways I think it’s constructive to talk about these “uncomfortable” situations.

Ok from my perspective I’m just thinking, if I was a child growing up knowing that I “dodged” an abortion because I was born a few years later than my predecessor, that shit would fuck me up. But you’re right I have no reason to believe that would be the general reaction.

That’s true, it’s classic projection I guess. I’m male and my partner (at the time) & I had one 8 years ago, and it’s still so uncomfortable for me to think about.

Very true, that shouldn’t overshadow that we need to make it more accessible and I guess that’s what keeps on derailing the reproductive rights conversation.

Fair enough.

Not sure why but it’s weird seeing “normalize” and “abortion” right next to each. I’m all for abortion rights and I think the govt should subsidize the procedure as we all have a vested interest in not bringing unwanted beings into the world. But it’s still pretty traumatic

This is kinda why it’s confusing. Maybe it shouldn’t be called “Rape Culture”


Highest gross X movie by far is DOFP, it's also the most critically acclaimed. First class might be the lowest grossing in the franchise, but it was well received by critics, so was by no means deemed a failure.

Just pull your shorts up over your belly button lol. Is your torso that long?

Most guys I know tuck the chord in their shirts. Never had it ripped out

"Fuck Frat-PAC!"

True, but honorable is subjective. Chances are that if he was expelled based on that he'd launch a lawsuit that Columbia could potentially lose or be forced to settle. I can understand from an administrator's perspective that it might be less costly based on what has been established to just let him finish his degree.

I love Em, but that's just fucking sad. Wait, I do think Wiz Khalifa's Black and Yellow topped the charts, but that was around the Steelers vs Packers Superbowl in 2011. I think that might be the last rap song by a black lead artist that topped the charts. (The abomination that is Flo Rida definitely count).

Kendrick's so talented but the direction he's chosen to go is one where few of his fans can follow.

Wage gap is not that easy to understand. I've read so many of these studies (including a few that you posted) with conflicting implications. Here in Ontario, the regulators behind the Pay Equity Act explicitly state that statisticians estimate that only between 10 to 15% of the overall pay gap is attributable to

well either our standards on pedo depiction are currently too high or our standards on rape depictions are too low. So I agree that the net effect is that there is a double standard. I just don't see that changing any time soon, also thanks to 50 Shades and shit

if people could get away with making virtual pedo porn, they would. They can get away with making rape porn regardless of how distasteful, so they do. It's like that study thar showed that more men would rape if they knew they could get away with it. We're just another kind of animal really so I wouldn't be suppressed

funny how no gamergaters are talking about this, I didn't even know it was a thing till I found on good ol' Kotaku