Adebisi's hat

Well creepiness (as subjective as that term is) and aggressiveness are not universal male characteristics. If a girl sees a guy she finds attractive, your statement kind of assumes that she does not approach him because he might be creepy and aggressive, which doesn't make sequential sense. Some women do approach, but

To me that's just like saying Justin Timberlake's first solo album was a rip off of MJ. Who didn't think that was MJ's music the first time they heard it?

Have you compared the two songs? Besides the instrumental which bears the greatest similarity, one song did NOT rip off the other. Justin Timberlake's first solo album was mostly stylistically inspired by Michael Jackson, under this precedent, MJ's estate could sue and say that it "invokes the feel" of MJ. That's why

I commend what this lady did in her capacity as a parent of a child. What I'm saying is that you can't extend the application of her counsel to society at large effectively, because it doesn't address one of the fundamental causes of this imbalance.

They will eventually, following Japan's lead in adopting an "otaku" - like culture that's more apathetic to romance relationships and sex in general.

Funny how "i" won grammy for best rap song, but I rarely heard that song on radio and it finished outside the top 50 on the Billboard 2014 Rap/R&B Top 100 chart.

I agree and as I mentioned in a previous comment, if we're pursuing true gender equality in society, the expectation of the approach needs to be more evenly spread across the genders.

The biggest problem here that no one addresses is that boys are taught/expected to pursue, while girls expect to be pursued. In a society that embraces true gender equality, that needs to change.

Well just like IV, it can't please everyone. Still killed it in both financially and critically tho...

Nah that's just modern R&B, it definitely ain't what it used to be, but there's far worse mainstream R&B than this

Do you mean the content or the delivery (of the chorus)? Listening to the song I'd say the chorus is one of the better parts, I can't exactly make out what she's saying but it sounds pretty good.

Skip all this new crap, just go back to those old school Lil Wayne mixtapes and the like. Hip Hop has lost something in the last 5 years, and it ain't ever comin back.

Ok, that makes sense. I knew you and Clover were fairly new, but I had assumed The Muse had been around for a while. I like the idea and will check it more often

And that's cool, I respect that you (along with Clover and Hillary) are hip hop journalists and cover the hottest artists. Em, Drake, Kanye & Jay Z have had huge cross over success, so I'd expect to see their album reviews cross posted to Jezebel. But I ain't seen album reviews for Medium Sean caliber of artists like

lol this shit hilarious!

Lol kinda implies "Suck it or not" is some type of misogynist anthem but I get her point.

Medium Sean is a special kind of mediocrity, only reason he's mentioned here is because of who he dates. And that's fine, Jezebel is probably not his target audience.

Probably not, Big Sean's album has been covered here because he has some cross over appeal due to who he has dated, which is what Jez's is really interested in.

This is fucking horrible

Sure, because legislation should operate based on your feelings