Adebisi's hat

I mean true, the way males are portrayed probably stems from male power fantasies and women, primarily from sexual fantasies. And like Anita said the answer is not more sexual objectification, so while flipping the script would be fair, it's not necessarily what's better.

problem with comparing how men and women sexualize each other is that men tend to have a more narrow sexual archetype for a female than vice versa. Compare the sexiest men's and women's lists. The top 10 sexiest men across 10 different magazine platforms have noticeably more variation than sexiest women. So

the funny thing about this nature vs nurture argument you're forming is that it actually doesn't have an impact on your reality. We are socialized how we are socialized and we're probably going to behave that way till we die. Now maybe the next generation will have more options as to how they express themselves, but

so what's the female sex fantasy?

tried reading the linked article to answer one simple question -how do women sexualize men? Because that cartoon drawing is definitely NOT how women sexuality dudes, and is a crappy example in equivalency.

You're assuming being representative and inclusive make a game better. That's a giant assumption, and there is actually research that shows that those things are secondary factors to why people enjoy video games. It's actually the most important point that Stephen brings out in this article.

That one point deflates that how sexualization false equivalency, don't need to touch the other shyt

One day, a lady can design her own video game and sexualize men as she sees fit. It's not the male developers fault that he doesn't understand how women sexualize men

Still can't compare penises to breasts though

So Tyga should just wait a couple more months then he's not gross anymore?

Are you just trying to bait me with this insane post?

With racism in the US, we're just not as far as we assumed we were. Stats like the increasing occurrence of interracial relationships could be used to show that the US has more relaxed attitudes about race than it did 30 years ago, but the country is still pretty obsessed with race.

Ok I concede to your point about make up. I remember when we had blackouts because of an ice storm a year ago, and a female colleague of mine did not wear makeup that day due to the lack of hot water. I thought the same thing "Is she tired?"

Yeah I still think those are first world problems. My male & female friends who work in financial services definitely have to put more effort into their personal appearance than my friends in accounting. I only have 1 lawyer friend, but he's absolutely obsessed with his appearance.

Fair enough. I'd agree that there are institutional forces behind the marketing of video games to (young) men, I just don't think the same applies with Comp Sci/programming careers. And funny enough I think the reason behind that is what you effectively point out, social factors that steer women away from tech.

Growing up in the 90s I definitely didn't see many girls playing video games in my community and just assumed girls just didn't like them. But I will say, to Anita Sarkeesian's credit I have come to understand how gaming became viewed as a "boys" pastime, and how that feedback loop btn developers and the market made

I starred this post but definitely disagree. You can't lump programming and gaming communities together to start. You'd also have to explain how exactly Comp Sci has supposedly become MORE misogynistic/sexist in 30 years as if the 1980s were better years for gender equality.

Not hot enough to play a cheerleader in a Hollywood movie - epitome of 1st world problems

It would be fair to point out to your girlfriend that if guys were fighting in video games they way they fight in real life, they'd probably be dressed like boxers/MMA fighters etc, i.e. no shirt. But since we're talking video games...

By unbiased I mean free from obvious conflicts of interest duh!