Adebisi's hat

Sorry for double posting, but I just wanted to add that I'm not inferring that being egalitarian somehow makes feminism redundant. Of course feminism is far more practical in getting from where we are now to where we want to be. I understand that we can't just start tomorrow and so ok everybody is equal and just not

No, universal gender equality doesn't mean we'd have a perfect world (even if you added racial equality in there). I don't want this to degrade into some semantics argument but practicality is not necessary rationality, especially in a survival context. Human households generally try to do what's practical. 20,000

Makes sense, he has a vested interest in being more vocal/explicit about it given the challenges likely ahead.

Equivalencies btn race and gender don't quite work, but you are correct, you don't need to experience racism to be anti racism. But being anti racism doesn't make you for example, a civil rights advocate.

Feminism is egalitarianism with a tilt towards correcting historical gender based inequities suffered by women, hence the "fem". E.g. Patriarchy is feminist theory, an egalitarian wouldn't necessary use that construct to arrive at similar conclusions that a feminist would on issues regarding human rights.

I've experienced this too, being asked to hold/carry a purse/handbag especially while walking around in malls. I don't mind doing it if she can't hold it herself for a short period of time. But if it's to make some kind of statement whatever it might be, then that's where I draw the line

Sounds more egalitarian than feminist, and there's nothing wrong with that.


Crime docs eat all the bandwidth in my household, so you're definitely not alone

also it's ironic because she released a "Last Christmas" cover uhm, last Christmas, and now she's talking shit about it. I guess she just does whatever her puppeteers tell her to.

Lol this cat's got that "Why you askin' questions?" look down pat

I think that's exactly what the reporter thought and that's why they trolled the hell out of her.

Maybe the other way around, although Frusciante pretty much spearheaded BTW, it was still more polished and multi dimensional than Shadows. I loved Shadows, but just listen to that flea bass intro on this track...damn!

Although the ubiquity of technology has lowered barriers to entry in music it's not having the effect you think it's having. People spend more time consuming social media and commenting on blogs like this than actually exploring artistry or even acquiring knowledge (which is what everyone initially assumed people

wut? If you had to choose btn being obese and being the most subscribed to youtuber, based on your logic, it looks like that would be a hard choice for you

Dude is still the most subscribed person on Youtube. Ever. He's doing something right

You think this is bad? Our league's commish finished last in the league 4 years in a row. He's actually been beated by teams picked entirely by auto draft. I avoid talking to him, he's sounds depressed 24/7

Yes, it culminated into a domestic abuse problem, but the progression to that is more complicated. The OP said she doesn't get how a guy goes from being non-violent (as per what Janay has repeatedly said) to knocking h out someone he loves in an elevator. Merely saying "it's DV" is a perfunctory answer. No one's

Absolutely agree. It's true, being drunk doesn't excuse your actions but it's still a pretty big factor. People saying"I've been drunk and never hit anyone" are missing the point. Most of us found out pretty early in our drinking careers that alcohol tends to induce different delinquent behaviors in different people.

A booze problem