Adebisi's hat

more bizarre than Apple or half ur fav celeb kids' names?

Haha I share your gasted flabber. Canadian here too. I'd heard of this before but did some mental gymnastics and totally visualized something else....until this video!

You know this is the first time I've realized that the president actually PARDONS the turkey. I don't know wth I thought "pardon" meant in this particular context for all these years. But.... I didn't expect....to see the so-called leader of the free world actually .....pardon a live bird from certain doom?? US just

Just reading this made me a little nauseous...

Funny thing is if he was a deadbeat dad who never saw his kids (but just Paid on child support on time) he wouldn't have done anything illegal

What got me was that Lucy, made off a $40M budget, grossed more than $400M, definitely one of the most profitable movies of the year. The movie itself was ok, but any astute movie execute should be able to feel the pent up demand for women led movies. But you're right, executives playing safe trying earn that bonus

Not these days, check the highest grossing movies esp in the domestic market last year? I'd say 2 or 3 out of top 5 had a female lead.

Forget the philandering although I get the hypocritical context you're pointing out, dude is a straight up vile rapist! Statute of limitations is up for all accusations so I think he doesn't even really have to address it if he's been so advised by his scum bag lawyers.

then I guess 90% of the adults in porn look like children. That would have disturbing ramifications for the 97% of men who watch porn frequently....

Don't know what tape you watched but the one I saw had nothing up butthole. Just to be fair if we're calling Kim K a pornstar then we better call ever other celeb with a leaked tape a porn star too. As far as I remember, unlike Farah Abraham who orchestrated her entire "leak" KK did fight and litigate initially.

Ha, my new calling card - Get out of the greys for Xmas! Tho it don't seem to work no more :(

Judging from all the comments this article brought I'd say it's not as unpopular an opinion as you'd think. For me FFVIII rules them all, took what VII started and just perfected it. FF was never same after VIII

FFVII changed my life and all the gamers' lives around me

Prolly, Ded 2 was amazing, but Drought 3 was just MORE!

Nope, they got it right with Wayne's Ded 2 being #1. It made mixtapes mainstream, aspiring rappers started aiming at having a "hot" mixtape before dropping a full length album. The funniest thing is that Wayne's next mixtape Drought 3 was even better and more highly rated, it just wasn't a Gangsta Grillz tape

That Under the Bridge guitar intro tho

Not so deep in the greys anymore. Btw good sad selection!

Oh I'm sure if you were born 2,500 years ago into those described circumstances you'd have reacted with a rational and scientific mind

So pretty much like every other cultural, religious and political system since the advent of the neolithic age? Sounds about right

If only it were that simple. It's like saying the U.S. has an advanced healthcare system, so why do people still die of curable dieseases. A lot of these guys lack confidence interacting with women, they believe handing a wad of cash to this creepster will not only fix that but also land them some secret techniques