Adebisi's hat

that exchange was from early 2013, I doubt Anna's been at Jez for more than 3 months. So no that last sentence was not a lie

I believe you. Your warnings have been pretty consistent, I know when to stop asking

True, but consenting parties, no matter how beat up they are probably wouldn't press charges and thus cops wouldn't open a case against him

Probably not. In all likelihood, dude managed to find at least a few partners that consented to being smacked upside the head during sex, and he strategically chose to show a recording of one of those encounters.

I think she just got caught in a lie, she crafted that specific message to that audience, and later it contradicted her claim to love/play console games.

haha, I guess that's like saying he's related to George Clinton. Point taken

You know nothing Truefeministe. He's light skin, tall and has Larry Graham as an uncle, he'd still be pulling all sorts of tail

Oh, I'm sorry if a man expounding the male perspective is sooo mansplaining to you, being the expert on men that you so obviously are. Please excuse me

Here's another, Anita Sarkeesian is to gamer conspiracy theories what Obama is to political theories. Something about her just sets a subset of gamers off!

When it comes to this stuff, it sounds like you have a pretty narrow view that works for you. Good 4 u! Having a conversation with someone who was not introduced to you through a friend isn't for everybody.

Yeah sounds fairly intuitive, more options allow you to be more picky. It is quite shocking though so see how much "gendered" behavior really just boils down to socialization. I understand that in many European countries women would never even think of approaching a guy in bar, but that happens here and there in North

That's too bad, I really think one of the reasons why there are such a lot of gender imbalances in many areas even in a world moving past the patriarchy is that one gender is socialized to actively pursue disproportionately to the other. When you actively pursue, you're just more in control to make things go your way

True, male entitlement is a factor in many situations where boundaries are disrespected. But another problem is entitlement breeds confidence. This reinforces that attitude and they keep on doing it. I was raised a certain way in that I rarely approach strangers unless its under the "right" circumstances, but I have

Ok so you just completely killed online dating!

Nah, maybe the men in your experience have mostly been pushy wankers, but that's not the general social script they're expected to follow. Some guys are just assholes and it comes out when they're pursuing. They should absolutely be called out for it

Well to be fair men are socialized to be the pursuers and see it as their job to approach. I'm not excusing inappropriate timing or being unable to read cues, but when the onus to kick it off is one sided, the fuck ups will be one sided too.

Oh. I thought it was just for her year of birth

This track feels stylistically dated, like early 2000s pop or something. I don't think the kids will dig this as much as "Shake it off". But haters gonna hate I guess.

But won't someone think of the fantasy teams though?

Tell the truth, you're really still sour on how the NFL handled the Rice case u just don't want to appear like ur beating a dead horse. After you boycotted the Mayweather fight I wondered how long it would take for you to boycott this particular league.