
lego’s mario sets are the most underwhelmed i’ve ever felt by a toy release. they look terrible and don’t seem fun to play with either. what a botch.

That easy boy... whenever you feel you want to have someone banned on twitch just ACCUSE them of sexual abuse. Easy and simple method, streamers hate this, check it out... BOOM! they are FINALLY banned as Nathan wrote in the headline.

How dare you defile this article with your facts.

We’re in the age where it was “fun” to SWAT streamers for simply existing. How easy is it going to be to create evidence of sexual misconduct? Depending on how Twitch handles their investigation and how they implement their punishment, I could easily see this being taken advantage of (i.e. how Youtube handles

all of them are criminals who did what they did in an effort to seek attention for themselves.

Xbox 360 version of Revenge is truly peak Burnout. Best game in the series.

I could understand someone not liking the Last Jedi, but the only person who uses it as a “go-to bad movie” is an obvious troll.

How much of Russia could double as TLOU sets? 

Unlike the previous three iterations, however, you won’t be able to set it up horizontally.

I love The Witcher. Love the books, love the games, love the show.

Yes, hopefully. Even with a good cooler the temperatures are unusual high as well when the game is running. 

Haha. With Valhalla being a next gen title, expect even higher CPU and GPU requirements.

not only that, but when they do make these gestures, they get criticized anyway (see all the megacorp support of BLM and pride day)

Yes its a bit odd. And what is worse, I’ve seen my friends and people i follow on twitter chewing corps out for their phoniness, or calling our white people for putting their protesting etc. on social media as posers etc... but i mean, isn’t that what most wanted? the mixed signals are tough and too divisive. I get

Or we could just shore up the provisions of ‘Fair Use’, so it can work as intended.

Because Ben if one of the few jewish characters, I think his identity is worth preserving. Otherwise I’m completely down. Obviously there will be drama from some fans, but comic fans aren’t pushing these movies to make billions of dollars. Black Panther is a pretty great example of how to make it viable.

He should have doubled down and tried to bring in Chad Coleman as the Thing.

I clicked all the way through, without reading a word, to tell you what a waste of time your work was.