
Thank you for this comment, my sentiments exactly. A country doesn’t get to pretend to be a superpower, then be a whiny bitch-ass snowflake about everything that slightly ruffles their feathers.

The article was bumped so people are seeing it again. Don’t blame them, blame Kotaku for recycling their content.

Xbox 360 is the GOAT. It feels perfect, in particular in terms of weight. The only real “improvement” that the Xbox One controller brought was the texture on the thumbsticks. The new shoulder buttons sucked and the positional rumble meant nothing to me. If they made a “retro” 360 controller with textured sticks and a

Okay, Kierkegaard

Yes, I’m thinking about all the times Pokemon has handed someone a pile of money.

I have no idea why anyone would buy this, or anything else Razer makes. Shit products from a shit company, but I guess they have pretty lights or something.

Whichever one is worse, because seeing people with a deep emotional investment in a random number generator convinces me humanity is doomed.

Every time I see one of these “freaking out about finding a Pokemon” videos like 5% of my soul dies.

Just Googled him, agreed. What a dick.

The moral codes of gambling and video games have merged.

It’s a self-sustaining fusion reaction of grift.

Charging $9 for popcorn has consequences, assholes.

The worst part of 2020 is realizing that America has ALWAYS been this stupid.

If there was one piece of life advice I could offer everyone I care about, it’s to take Metamucil daily. I am not exaggerating in saying it changes EVERYTHING.


Oh, you’re forgetting that a sizeable portion of our population are antivax dumbasses.

Was definitely a weird phase.

The death of expertise is probably what pisses me off the most about the last four years. It’s a shame so many people had to die so that arrogant dicks could pretend to be the smartest men in the world.