
You just never quit, do you? Took out Ghaul, woke up the Traveler...and now half of what I hear on the streets is how much you and your clan are making a difference.

All interesting points. Some responses from a chronic:

Yeah, we really shouldn’t just dwell on the deaths (which are pretty bad). The “long haulers” who can’t shake the symptoms for months or ever are the real problem.

That’s the core of it. Too many people are seeing “minor inconvenience” (wearing a mask is LITERALLY the least you can do) as some kind of trampling of their freedom.

I have followed this closely and I don’t recall ever hearing a prediction of a million dead in the U.S. (are you thinking globally? We just broke 1.5 million).

I have been playing video games for 35 years and I have to admit that I was completely blindsided by the popularity of cosmetic DLC. When I first saw “pay real money for an in-game hat” and shit like that, I thought it was so obviously idiotic a concept that no one would ever fall for it. Flash forward and now

Anthony Fauci on April 9 when the total death count was 15,000:

The fact that 277,000 dead Americans later we are still struggling to convince people that COVID is “real” depresses the shit out of me.

So they are only going to pay me $8 to dispose of their Cats Blu-ray? Hard pass.

So they are only going to pay me $8 to dispose of their Cats Blu-ray? Hard pass.

Hey guys, remember back when we all collectively thought science was awesome?

When I think “sexy” the very first thing that comes to mind is...[checks notes]...a Warhammer 40K lore YouTuber.

Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, RTX 3000 GPUs.

I’m not sure exactly how Microsoft would be held liable for the Microsoft Xbox being able to run Microsoft Windows applications.

I’ve played through BOTW twice and I honestly don’t remember any of this shit.

I dealt with several RRODs on Xbox 360 but every time it was quickly replaced with no hassle. It was annoying but Microsoft owned the problems, at their great expense (even beyond the warranty period). If they were sending me refurbs, I couldn’t tell because they looked brand new.

Humans get special dialogue from NPCs in Tower, too. Stuff like, “humanity needs to look out for each other.”

*Human Trackers

If you don’t like Mario and own a Switch, you’re gonna have a bad time.

I’ve got to say Wii. It had so much garbage shovelware. I vividly remember walking through GameStop for a half hour looking for something, ANYTHING to play...hundreds of choices and maybe ten games worth playing (mostly first-party).

It doesn’t matter if Trump never concedes, period.