
Anything is better than the utter trash that is the Switch parental controls.

Yup, my strategy is Xbox Series S at launch, PS5 Slim when it comes out. There will need to be some compelling exclusives I can’t get on PC for me to get a Series X.

Has there yet been a really great Netflix original movie? Honest question. I love Netflix shows but their movies all seem like mediocre cash grabs at best.

As long as I still have Mafia Wars

I’ve similarly seen more than one "Roundup is safe enough to drink" demos.

I really wish they’d port the GameCube “The Twin Snakes” version to other platforms. It incorporated a lot of mechanics from MGS2 (including first-person shooting) and was graphically superior.

When you stop and think for ten seconds about why Amazon bought Ring, it is horrifying.

Competition will be fierce for that sweet PS5 customer base, though. Selection will be high and prices will plummet.

In case it isn’t completely obvious, Americans are goddamned morons.

It’s funny how “shit” is not profanity in other cultures. It’s basically in every sentence of every informal conversation with Germans.

It’s so weird how when a person accused of being an asshole makes jokes about what an asshole they are, those jokes don’t really land.

Again, I love Destiny 2. I’ve put in 750+ hours on Steam alone (many more on PS4 and It’s my go-to game.

Maybe Biden supporters aren’t putting out signs because Trump supporters are lunatics.

115 million eligible voters did not vote in 2016. Elections have consequences that last decades.

I’m a big Destiny fan, but let’s just get real about the fact that “Return of ____” means lazy reused assets.

TIL that creating contractual conditions that were previously agreed upon is “starting a fire.”

It is.


Didn’t they already cover that in Agents of SHIELD?

Imagine being this much of a loser.