
Earlier today this came up in a conversation I had:

I’d rather pay for a game and get the game I paid for.

Kids, and adults with compulsive disorders. Or what the F2P publishers call “whales.”

Don’t care. Beating Trump is all that matters right now. Prioritize and focus.

I will crawl over broken COVID-covered glass to put a ballot into a good luck with the bullshit, Donald!

I may be the least affected person by this story in the entire world:

I heard Peter Thiel is gay, do you guys have any more information about this?

I generally love Destiny and I still have no idea why every activity in the game does not include matchmaking. I don’t roll with a fireteam and I don’t feel like LFG with strangers (also known as MATCHMAKING).

Not only is console hardware this next generation it will be spectacularly unprofitable. To build a gaming PC with the rough equivalent horsepower of the Xbox Series X, you’d need to spend at least $2,000. There’s a decent chance its launch price will be $399 or lower.

  1. Get nominated.

That’s literally the only example.

You’re missing the point. They aren’t trying to compete in a “console war” anymore. Sony won, war’s over.

Series X will be $299 and Series S will be $199. Happy?

That’s about 0.1% of the garbage content you can find on Roku. The "channels" there border on the insane.


Side by side, the size difference is obvious. These two things do the same thing.

It’s not really playing a game though, it’s just sound effects and contextual graphics on the little screens. There aren’t any objectives that I’m aware of.

The existence of non-transforming Transformers figures has always fascinated and perplexed me.

Would anyone in the world buy this without the Nintendo cross-branding?