
It’s not that it's hard. They know how to do it and choose not to.

What is "Facebook"?

Made in Tex-Assss.

Karma for $8 popcorn is a mofo.

And the ejection port covers never open, but let’s not nitpick.

Pathetic that making their perceived straw man enemies cry is more important than good government and accomplishing important things.

Tell us more about how beautiful the emperor's new clothes are.

Tell us more about how beautiful the emperor's new clothes are.

The Japanese sure do like smashing random-ass words together.

The Japanese sure do like smashing random-ass words together.

I had a Vaio desktop that served me extraordinarily well. It's too bad they couldn't make PC hardware profitable.

Why do all of these guys look exactly like what they are accused of?

I often try to understand the pain someone must be feeling in order to consider death a better option. I wish we took this more seriously as a society.

Curious to see how you do a TV show with no NPCs.

Agreed, my (badly made) point was that it seems the game just presented it and did not attempt to editorialize. I'm good with that.

I’m a straight cis guy so I’m choosing my words carefully knowing that my perspective might be shouted down here.

There wasn’t even the escalation to test the boundaries though. They preemptively banned the email addresses and phone numbers of prominent liberals the day the platform went live. You couldn’t even register.

Yeah, it just spews it all to Chinese Intelligence agencies. Good trade-off.

Cool, sign me up to be spied on by the Chinese Communist Party.

Can it run Crysis?