
Horror is realizing that Donald Trump and Joe Exotic both ran for president in 2016 for the exact same reason.

That’s a lot of words to say “gullible idiots.”

Why would anyone possibly want Stacey Abrams as a governor when they could have Mediocre White Man #837?

Let’s get a comment from Randy Pitchford:

What, Gearbox and its CEO are complete dirtbags? EVERYONE TAKE IN THIS SHOCKING REVELATION

I believe evidence, and 27 years of silence on this accusation ain’t that. If you aren’t focused on getting Donald Trump out of office, GTFO of our way.

No, a job existing is not a self-evident justification for the job to exist. Your argument could be extended to any ethically-questionable job as long as it puts food on the table.

I started using a Bluetooth mouse with my iPad a couple of weeks ago. My biggest problem so far is that they seem to have the scroll wheel behavior inverted (rolling the wheel down scrolls up the screen) and there isn’t a setting to adjust this.

All valid points. I would think a key factor would need to be a dramatic increase in volume of digital downloads as a result of the new policy. Maybe you charge a $5 fee up front for the right to sell the game back later, and that goes straight to the developers. If you opt out of the fee, you own the license forever.

The original plan for DRM on Xbox One (disc is linked with one console, with frequent online validation) clearly targeted the used game market, by and large meaning GameStop. It was a shot across the bow, albeit a stupid one that Sony jumped on.

They could narrow GameStop’s ridiculous used game buy/sell arbitrage and still turn a nice profit. And it would go a long way to the overdue concept that digital distribution should be cheaper to the consumer than physical.

Looking forward to the inevitable “Uno Classic, Back By Popular Demand” marketing campaign in about six months.

I’m happy about it. They are a shitty predatory company that showed their true colors early in the COVID outbreak. They don’t give a shit if their employees or customers get sick as long as you buy Doom Eternal so they can make their quarter targets.

Nope, janitors on the Death Star as far as I care. They know exactly who they work for, better than most.

Sony and Microsoft could have put GameStop out of business seven years ago with one simple policy:

The Martian was a fantastic read, I plowed through it in two sittings (which is exceptionally unusual for me). The film was a pretty decent adaptation.

The tech specs are basically a wash and most people won’t be able to tell a significant difference. It will come down to exclusives and the extent of backwards compatibility.

It’s only just barely a “video game.” You’re really just changing tracks in an animated movie on laserdisc.

Exactly this...until you have a loved one suffering at the end of a terminal illness, you have no idea how important it is to have access to hospice and other similar services. For the Republicans to turn that into “Obama wants to kill your grandma” is just Vol. 20578029 in the ongoing saga of how bad they are at this

This seems like a reasonable response to an anonymous person saying a video game is just okay.