
Punisher 1989, Captain America 1990, Fantastic Four 1994, Supergirl, X-Men Origins Wolverine, Superman IV.

My colleague’s father died in Italy today. This is very real, please think about the vulnerable and follow the recommended precautions.

It’s almost as though Boris Johnson is a stupid asshole.

Adams is definitely off the rails, however I wish more people had listened to him in 2015 when he was calling Donald Trump a master of persuasion and distraction. Everyone laughed and blew it off at the time.

I guess you missed all the parts dealing with controlling perceptions by diluting needed context with mass content. Flood the information zone with bullshit and no one knows what to believe anymore.

My best guess at what’s going on (possible extreme spoiler if correct):

Even though Kojima takes these concepts to batshit bonkers conclusions, he has always been a keen and prescient observer of society. People who played and actually paid attention to MGS2 understand exactly why Donald Trump is president now.

Debates should never have an audience. Cheap applause pops are absolutely the worst part of them.

Microsoft stock has gone up 440% in the last ten years, doofus.

Yeah, the fact that there are only like five “hot spots” for the virus in the U.S. and one of them is Mar-a-Lago is...satisfactory to me.

Would be a good analogy if we didn’t already know that he raw-dogs porn stars.

Epidemic expert: “Those who are contagious may not show symptoms, so if you feel at risk you should avoid crowds and self-quarantine.”

But stubborn old people who reject science and refuse to follow simple precautions are the most at risk so... let's just sit back and see how this all plays out.

It was real third world Dear Leader shit. I can't believe this is where we are now.

So, you know the magical nationwide website Google is dedicating 1500 engineers to develop to triage and direct patients to the nearest testing center?

Anyone who thinks that the antidote to far right is far left is a moron. Buttigieg is fine, and with more national experience he’ll probably be the Dem nominee in 2028. And he'd be a good president.

I literally laughed out loud when I read, “beastly 1 TB hard drives.” That’s like 15 big games.

Did you ever replace your internal HDD? The PS4 reacts badly to that sometimes.

Doom 2016 is still some of the best demo material for a high end rig. Really great stuff.

They don't want your lawsuit.