
It’s because liberals (who outnumber conservatives SIGNIFICANTLY in the US) don’t show up and vote. It’s either because they are lazy or they are actively protesting the lack of a perfect unicorn candidate. Both reasons suck.

At no point did I claim a significant number of Sanders supporters voted for Trump. I said they stayed home or voted for Stein.

The Constitution is indeed the document that allowed the candidate with THREE MILLION fewer votes to become President. For reasons.

Trump won because pouty Berniebro shitheads stayed home (or voted for Putin proxy Jill Stein) in swing states instead of doing their basic civic duty to protect the republic from a mad tyrant.

Or maybe I'm pragmatic and live in reality. Bernie Sanders will never be president.

It’s an interesting strategy that really differentiates them from PlayStation. Xbox is a platform. Xbox games always work on the latest version. Newer games might only work on the latest version. Your library comes with you.

I don’t give a shit about consistency, I care about results. Obama was “inconsistent” about LGBTQ rights and then did more for it than all other presidents combined. He was "inconsistent" about marijuana and now it's legal in some form in about half of the states.

Randy Bryce...the Joe the Plumber of the left.

Why Did Bernie Sanders Endorse the Extremely Gross Sexist Cenk Uygur

Vanquish is REALLY good and I don’t understand why it didn’t get more positive attention. Xbox Games With Gold had it as a freebie about a year ago.

I don’t see what’s wrong with a fantasy adventure based on Bronze Age allegorical fables.

Me: “Wait, was there a Titanfall 3 announ...”


Is it?

Minecraft included in Game Pass didn't hurt either.

You deserve this star. You had me there.

Yes, obscure animals that all happen to sound like DEATHKILLHELLHUNTBRINGER ELITE.

You have a very interesting interpretation of what a "boycott" is.

I’m with you 100%. Let’s be outraged at actual outrageous things. There are more than enough right now. sure read a whole lot into, “there’s a kid in the commercial.”