
Our new government[’s] foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition.”
- Alexander H. Stephens, Vice President of the Confederate States of America, March 21, 1861

You can become a millionaire through an honest living, but to become a billionaire you need to destroy lives.

Profited from an advertising platform used extensively by foreign adversaries to disseminate microtargeted propaganda and influence American elections. There’s that. He knew...they paid in rubles.

Yeah, the parts where you went back and forth in time in Titanfall 2 plus the "explosion frozen in time" were highly memorable.

I have difficulty thinking of a single better mission/level in any video game ever.

It’s almost as though our entire economy is bullshit.

I’ve been saying for 20 years now that “political correctness” is thinly-veiled code for “I’m mad you won’t let me be a gaping asshole.”

Ads in the menus of a device we paid for (to watch services we pay for) are annoying as shit.

It’s gotten a lot worse. The Roku menu ads are presented in such a way that it is VERY easy to “accidentally” (not 100% sure it's unintentional) install the apps for whatever is being advertised.

Zuckerberg belongs in prison. I am in no way exaggerating.

It’s strange how Sony’s press release has no mention of the words “sucks” and “shit” and “garbage.” You know, Facebook technical terminology.

“Flood the zone with bullshit so you can't keep upis a fundamental technique for malignant narcissists.

So Stallone was coked out of his mind. Got it.

Orrin Hatch was specifically quoted beforehand as saying that Obama would nominate a partisan liberal and not a fair judge like Merrick Garland. He literally used Garland as the example of who he wanted, then they blocked him because Obama.

And that's how they lose.

I don’t want it...but our side is younger, smarter and outnumbers theirs. If they really want to go there, we can.

I think “fuck the shithead Boomers” would be a slam-dunk campaign slogan.

Please be sure to bask in Warren’s A+++ response:

I was promised taco trucks on every corner, where the fuck are they already

It’s pretty impressive how he got that Windows application to run on a Windows computer.