
Some people alternatively refer to this "touchstone" as a "constant", an unchanging quantity in the universe that acts as a reference point or anchor. These things help provide consistency so as to prevent psychological rejection of the current reality.

I have no idea if there was some legal/business factor in this move, but my bet is that Nintendo may not want one of their games associated with such a profane, sexist, and immature player community. You don't see pro Starcraft players hurling sexual slurs at their opponents, do you?

And yet another one of these vids places little to no emphasis on the changes to spiders and zombies.....

On another note, violent and gritty doesn't have to mean serious and depressing. Just take a look at Bulletstorm and Borderlands. Dark and gory, yet also colorful and funny.

Damn, you must not have been born in the days of tube sets. You think streaming vids have bad quality? Pfffttt, come bitch to me when you have to watch Dragonball Z on a 20 inch tube set with static from a crappy antennae.

Damn, you must not have been born in the days of tube sets. You think streaming vids have bad quality? Pfffttt, come bitch to me when you have to watch Dragonball Z on a 20 inch tube set with static from a crappy antennae.

I suddenly understand why people lament the loss of innocence. Listening to that moment in the conference the first time, it just seemed like normal trash talk referencing how he was doing much better than her. But now this article pops up and I can't help but hear the RAPE in it. Personally I have no issue with it

I'm gonna star you just for using the word "douchecanoes".

The thing I always liked about Joker's voice in The Batman was the manner in which his tone would change from looney to sinister when Batman would foil his plans. You could feel the malice in his voice when things were going south for him.

I don't mind this new look. Her old appearance was Like, just weird somehow. I can deal with ugly, but not weird.

^ Didn't get the Megas reference.

I doubt it. PC may have a stronger following worldwide than it used to, but Japan has always primarily been a console gaming market (and has been trending more towards portable gaming over the years).

What this guy says.

That....that actually makes sense. XD

Nope, not that guy, just checked. Aw man I wanna know.......DX

That was....meh....

I can't seem to find out who the artist is who drew these, anyone know who it is?

It's better than that Generic Title crap that someone keeps posting every week.....

My curiosity be damned, I can't even find what this is on Google and it's making me even more curious. Probably some sex position slang.....