
oh god her face in that last photo, I laughed so hard. That poor idiot woman. Just..stay away from the wildlife, people? Primates are unpredictable.

I'm still not dealing well with this whole 'she's married, and now she's pregnant' thing, and now she gives birth. She was the cheerleader! A kid with healing powers! Now she's..a mommy. Damn I'm old.

Petty and pointless. She demeans herself by this.

I think Carol is the ultimate example, right up there with Wesley.

That last shot when she steps out in that dark dress, the joke everyone made was "Darth Sansa." I am SO for it. Rather than sitting back and being a passive voice just so we can see Littlefinger now and again, it seems in the show she's going to be a real player.

So stoned on catnip.

Got more than a few backlogged games myself, but I'm still dying to play this one. Rough edges or not, I loved Dead Island.

So is this still coming in late January? Because the season pass DLC said something about February. I was really hoping to play this asap :D

I think it's awesome that they did this. Imagine growing up trans and having no heroes ot look up to and barely anyone to even explain to you why you feel as you do. Before the internet, it must've been among the loneliest ways to live. And really, how is having a trans person in a game 'shoving it in your face',

Oooh man, great idea, thanks for reminding me these books even existed. I loved 'em as a kid. And yeah they'd make a great show.

What a goofball, heh.

This is why Ubisoft made Unity only for next gen and PC, and why Techland dumped the PS3/360 versions of Dying Light. Shadow of Mordor just serves as a great example of why it's time to let the last gen die.

McDonald's poutine is pretty subpar. I've had worse, but not by a lot. I have no great hopes for BK's, but I'll try it out of curiousity. Poutine is one dish that's just very tough to mass-manufacture and is best made by restaurants in the heart of Acadia or Quebec where it was invented, places that take pride in

You'd think wedding planners/photographers/caterers whatever would all be rubbing their hands together gleefully with gay weddings. So much more business! Why would you shut so much business off, that's just extra money you're throwing away.I don't know too many good reasons to refuse to make more money. Refusing

Some people have too much money and not nearly enough sense.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: you don't become this rich, this famous, and control a media empire if you're an idiot. Kardashian knows what she's doing, and people don't give her enough credit, or think she just lucked out. Nope. You don't get that rich, you don't become a media mogul, by being lucky. You

Dang, only second gen? I got a first gen!

I dunno, those barely qualify as meat anyway.

Read a study about this last year, might even have been here on Gawker/io9/Jezebel? About how we'll all be eating them within a century or so when cattle aren't viable anymore, and pork and chicken prices soar. They're a cheap, easy to breed and plentful source of animal protein and several other nutrients. If they're

From what I gather from how this happened in the past when EA did this: if you've bought it, it's in your library and will stay there forever. It's just that nobody as of today can buy any new Ubisoft games.