
Oh, I'm not. But some people have an amazing ability to project their stink.

Well sure. But I don't have to talk to steam and smell its cheetohs breath like I do with an Gamestop clerk.

Easy enough to avoid COD as a pc gamer, just don't go into actual retail stores, buy everything digitally ;) NO clerks to ask you about COD that way!

I just bought a new PC in mid-October , worried that multiple upcoming great titles would not run on my old one. So far the only one that couldn't is this one, and Unity alone is good enough reason to have got a new pc. I can't wait! I'm a huge fan of both the series and the time period in question!

Nice to see positive stories for once!

I love my Nexus 7 (2013) and have concerns about moving to the Nexus 9. The darn thing is just too big to be practical to carry around out in public!

I'm not sure I could possibly try that. IT looks like good beef and sauce and onions wasted by a bun that's been sitting in a garbage can for a week.

I entered the gaming world on my dad's C64 back in the day, but we never had a modem. So, no surprise I never heard of this one. Looks like it had that crazy C64 80s charm however.

This is the fact that really shocked me! I can't believe the holding power of XP!

Most of the cats seem to dislike it. Wisely.

I'm voting on a sly, in-the-know dad/pastor making an attempt to make a joke and draw in his younger audience too. Not a bad way to go about it.

It seems like the last ten years have seen a real rise in news that could very easily be mistaken for satire posts from the Onion. I would've actually chuckled at this and said, "Very scathing, Onion!" but no, this is worse. sincere.

"My degree is useless." is precisely why I gave up after undergraduate school. You go on and try to teach (fat chance getting into a university teaching position) or you get a bachelor of education and teach grade school or...I don't know, write books? Arts was a bad, bad choice in the 90s. Still is today. more power

I remember another of these that I think came out earlier this year, a younger man than this, pulling the exact same trick only without the peekaboo, he just walked out, shaven, and his toddler did not approve. It was probably here on Jezebel as well?

As a teen/early 20s, I too only had friends online, and it was great. When yo'ure lonely and 18 (the internet was new, I'm old) then it's great to have friends online. It's just that as you live that, on and on, as you get older, it starts to wear thin and relationships with no physical presence, no love or travel or

It's seen as largely a girl thing I know, but a lot of men can feel this. I know I do. I loathe my body and have since before I was morbidly obese. Now I just hate it more!

Gotta say I wouldn't mind an explicitly asexual character for a twist. Let's have Darryl just..not want sex at all!

Starbucks is revolting, and Tim Hortons is trash for people with no taste in coffee. Choose a local coffee shop and avoid the trash Timmy's makes.

Nonsense like that is why I don't even try the dating pool. Virtual or the bar scene, it's just...just full of horrible people.

Ah, youth. When we thought the right partner could make us not be us, could make us the people we wanted to be, when only we can do that. Nothing dooms you faster than expecting someone else to change you!