
What an imbecile. Imbecile to open it, imbecile not to be ready for the consequences, utter fool to think he hasn't already rung that bell, and it can't be un-rung. Plus it sounds like he never deserved her in the first place, or any other woman, based on his manchild-like whining about her personality and body.

This would be more impressive if so much of this flood wasn't garbage. Early access, or me-too 'quirky indie platformers'.

the idea of farting on a drone is the best thing I've heard today. I choked on my coffee I laughed so hard. Bless you!

Yeah. WildStar looks great but the telegraph system brings back horrible raiding memories for me as a holy paladin from WoW.

That's just my hope: that the game doesn't fall into the trap of WoW's early days and only give good endgame gear to the raiders, and content dries up for non-pvp non-raiders.

The beta has been an absolute riot. It feels like the best days of WoW way back when. Unfortunately this video mostly reminds me of vanilla WoW raiding: long, gruelling, easy to mess up and takes weeks and WEEKS to learn the boss fights. I don't remember those days fondly and I don't want to see that again...

The "Oh but I'm not like that! None of my FRIENDS are like that!" line is such a load of horse shit. Any man not standing up against this shit is part of the problem.

Don't. It's unspeakably boring and padded.

This artisan trend is ridiculous. that having been said, that turkey bacon avocado one does sound nice.

Why would you do that to yourself? Contract JACK was godawful. And I'm not even sure why I'm excited, I have my cd-roms for NOLF 1 and 2. I guess I'll just be delighted to see these games available again to a new generation of gamer.

Can't wait to play 1 again, but 2 felt like the movie sequel to a great tv show: flashier, louder, and without the endearing rough edges that created the original's unique charm. I"m still gonna be happy as a pig in you know what to play BOTH, and uh, to avoid Contract J.A.C.K. like leprosy.

The perfect shooter was already made that was set within this universe! AVP2! That game rocked. But it'd be nice to see a good shooter about the xenomorphs without any predator involved.

Too darn cute. That having been said I'm not sure I'd let my daughter watch a T rated game. But then I don't have one, so it's all good.

Taco Bell snazzing it up? Next step, John Spartan and Lenina Huxley going out for a fancy night on the town.

Another great read for Thief fans, very much the atmosphere of the City:The Death of the Necromancer, by Martha Wells.

True metal is continuing on playing no matter how much your hand bleeds, or how much meowing is coming from your lap. Also, that is one cute Siamese.

I couldn't agree more, the setting is a fantastic breath of fresh air. It's the kind of thing that just wasn't possible before digital distribution! can you picture EA or Activision or Ubisoft taking a risk on something this weird?

I quit coke precisely to avoid getting diabetes, sorry to hear it got you. Processed sugar is pure evil.

Damn, at 34 you still have that? Well ,every ADD brain is a little different.

How old are you? I remember caffeine and stimulants made me sleepy at first too, but only when I was pretty young. As I got older caffeine just got me jittery and didn't help me concentrate, and while the prescription stimulant worked concentration-wise it sure stopped making me sleepy.