
Empathy is the most important part of being human. So, grats on losing that.

All of this makes me so eager for the PC release of Black Flag! I really enjoyed 3, even if it didn't feel like it brought much new to the table, so if Black Flag is this much of a shot in the arm..well..I'm excited.

Never been so glad to live in a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere!

Eventually all us dreamers learn to adjust our expectations (and what we'll settle for) way, way downwards...I know that feeling.

I'd agree, that Outlast is definitely the scariest thing lately. A Machine For Pigs was just disappointingly unscary, but this..nope. Scary as all hell.

Condemned was REALLY goddam scary, hell yes. That fricking department store. Ugh. I may never be palpitation-free near a mannequin again.

When a game begins to feel like an obligation you must return to or it will collapse on you, it isn't a game anymore. It's a chain around your neck.

Well ok, now that is definitely a situation in which cabinet-closing should be remembered!

That's horrifying. It shows a dizzying lack of respect and maturity. No wonder he's an ex...

ok, good points. But like every other guy I seem incapable of programming myself to stop doing some things...I guess that's why men drive women insane.

There should be no such thing as a good or bad girl, just a person. Reducing someone to one of two states is oversimplifying a human being into something less than human.

Why do people CARE if you leave cupboards are open? WHY is this annoying? I never hear the end of it!

Does any guy ever really try this "I've been on these dating sites, girl who I am dating, and I think you and I should have sex with other hot women together." thing? Seriously? If I tried that on anyone I'd been with I'd have been punched into next week. They'd have needed a microscope to find the bits of my jaw

Extreme lack of perspective. It's what happens when you spend all your time in your own head, and you think well, it's nice in here, I'm clearly right about EVERYTHING and awesome and not at all a creepy slug. It's a sadly common condition. This guy's about as delusional as they get.

You're the perfect audience for this game then, since it's an insult to the original Thief games and its fans...

Better than a palace, if it's your parents' palace.

Angel heart!

Never watched Breaking Bad, but I loved Anna Gunn as Martha Bullock on Deadwood. That lady's awesome!

Because Sam Fisher is scanning him.

I admit to not watching it entirely out of ornery stubbornness. I got told OMG YOU MUST WATCH THIS so many times I got fed up and wouldn't watch it. Now I'll probably buy it all on iTunes or something sometime, and watch it all at once...