The tapas sounds great. The jerk, not so much. Mmm, tapas.
The tapas sounds great. The jerk, not so much. Mmm, tapas.
Well that's a relief.
Hmm, bit scared to go near it now, as an AMD card owner. Don't want my video card melting. no no. Nobody can climax with Guy Fieri on in the background, even on mute.
well how the frak do you install it? It just says press to play!
I know, and god damn was that depressing to see.
Lonely AND disappointed? Sounds like good practice for life in general, then.
Is this a game, or someone digitizing their LSD high? Damn. That looks neat.
Amen Francis! TESTIFY! You are our HERO! I love this guy's act, he's really amusing.
all too true..ugh..
Ok TELL ME this is a stand-in. An early voiceover because they haven't hired Stephen Russell yet. You DO NOT replace the guy who plays Garrett, it'd be like re-casting Solid Snake or Master Chief.
Seriously, HAS Kirk played Aliens? I can't believe t his is worse. It looks awful, but worse than Aliens? Impossible.
I'm not really sure this counts as 'comfortable'! But it was awesome.
Yeah, I loved that place. Such an awesome vibe.
It's a great scene because Tali is so openly, unashamedly a huge, loveable dork. Best way to say bye to her and Shepard as a pair, with her geeking out with her Shepard.
No kidding. The worst part of this DLC was that it brought home how much all us fans will miss this bunch of wonderful characters.
I'm partway through it and have laughed SO MUCH. The camaraderie, the genuine warmth and affection the writers clearly have for their characters, the nods to every fan and what they loved most. THIS is the closure we wanted, and few games have ever got a better sendoff.
Turn the light off. Duh.
While nowhere near the level of a dead sister, when my two year old german sheperd mix was run over one night and we had to scrape her off the highway, I went into a serious depression. The WoW beta may very well have saved my life that year.
I was at Gamespy years ago when IGN bought them. Good times. Then the shrinkage begun. Seems like that company has been going down for a looong time. Sorry to hear about that, there were great people at Gamespy.