
I gotta call bunko on both of the Japanese dream machines... sure a minty example that was never driven may bring (or ask for) 25k but I dont see people clamoring to purchase either of these. There is just too much going on (twin turbo, DOHC v6, AWD, AWS ect ect) a clean-ish stealth rt (see 3000gt twin) is only 6500

and I still wont care.... veyron was one car I never got excited about


let me be clear.... I starred you, but i wholeheartedly disagree!

RIGHT, its less than a marathon and fatties walk those things all the time!

im no expert on exactly what he had to overcome but absolutely insist that there must have been an easier solution than hacking a car apart and rebuilding it into a motorcycle. I can appreciate it... its very cool... but no, that cant be the best way to cover 20 miles in 12 days with a busted 2CV.

Heres the thing about your entire “its a jeep it should have 4wd” argument... you could get a XJ Cherokee and a ZJ Gran Chee in 2WD all day and it was likely much worse in the snow than any of these new “not MY jeep; jeeps” ohh and also the XJ and ZJ were unibodys (GASP) and many people do plenty offroad with those

do this and I may even pay for netflix!

dude took it like a champ!

I work at an OEM... development cars get hammered by every engineer who gets seat time. Maybe callaway engineers are different though...

better than your school switching to “industry sponsored projects” that was the school gets paid as opposed to having to support a team

what tires is it going to use? that wing is MASSIVE

although I dig, respect, and envy FSAE teams that kill it and have amazing support from both students and university I came from a school who was on the tail end of its FSAE program and built a car with 5 guys on a shoestring budget that was in the top half of the teams (barely) and really find it disheartening that

Dont go alone and don’t go on the test-drive with them. When selling a car I collect a license and the keys to the vehicle they came in and let them take it for a ride alone. on the other side of it I prefer to take a test drive without the owner.

yeah nothing below 3k, however i found it was still lacking/building until closer to 4k and than it had gobbs of power but only for a second and we were shifting again... I found it unusable and found the cooper s felt quicker and was much more user friendly

1) Driving in the snow - It is epic. Its like the difference between driving a viper and a miata aka the limits are lower and easier/safer to play with.

I hate the hiding of the rear door handles, it throws the proportions off. You have for doors but GASP only two handles! no.... no I don’t like it one bit

Im not saying there is a TON of deflection... or that it will cause a problem.. just seems a little wonky. Also I may be crazy here but that looks alot like a push/pull cable with the double lining, note the image below of a similar push/pull cable. Also after watching that GIF and video clip in not so sure its not