
Draymond Green : NBA :: Ted Cruz : Senate

A story is posted about a 15-year-old girl being sexually groomed by her mentor and your response is “But she became a stripper!”

Pffffft.  Call me when they get generations of African labor for free.  THAT is how you build a country....

For me, it will always be Midnight Meat Train. 

Counterpoint: fuck misogynists.

Oh thank god that Dictionary Guy is here to save the day. 

An old school jump start for the Jets, you say?

Pictured: Direct TV versus Basic Cable Sam Darnold.

Arguing with a racist is like arguing with a rabid badger on crack.

the Bison was just doing what comes naturally.

Buy rechargeable AAs and get over yourself (all xbox AA haters/idiots). You can buy the rechargeable pack (as mentioned in the article) or better yet use standard rechargeable AAs and have even more freedom. (Amazon Basics or Eneloops are today’s go to brands, just get the standard ones that have more charge cycles).

Every off-season the Nationals were treated like a powerhouse, and every year they reminded us that they’re baseball’s Cincinnati Bengals.

If the NFL doesn’t know what a catch is, how could they ever understand a catch-22?

Fuck Ajit Pai

“I use the word ‘faggot’ to call people ‘retards,’”

because free agency is a reward for toiling for 5-10 years being RIDICULOUSLY underpaid.

Did someone say Gladius?

Veganism is not the height of elite arrogance, being ignorant to the fact that consumerism and the western diet and its impact on the world is the height of elitism. I’m going to guess you’re not sitting in some mud hut starving away and only option to keep from wasting away is eating a bacon double cheese burger from

You are a dumb fuck.