+1 straight shot
+1 straight shot
Pretty sure that the clubhouse commotion was ex-yankee Shelley Duncan roiding out on being reassigned/demoted.
But in this world who can he beat up and then apologize, play a movie where he literally is just himself and get rewarded? Oh man, the drama and the intrigue! I can’t wait!
Whoever said two wrongs don’t make a right?
I guess they can add it to this clip.
So there are no real posts about the all-star game/week/whatever.
let me just sneer at every imperfect idea as insufficient as we eat our cheetos and/or avocado toast from the comfort of our homes, mkay?
lmao you’re saying that it is better for the homeless to starve rather than eat food that just doesn’t have rotting flesh in it.
Deadspin is full of Nats and phillies dudes so lolmets is always at their forefront.
Guess people really didn’t like the pizza pizza pie.
Pretty sure Claire was in Breakfast Club.
That is some #lolnats shit right there. Why the fuck aren’t the washington expos and the lolmets outbidding each other for Kimbrel?
lolnats are only 2 losses ahead of the marlins
Holy cow it just hit me.
Here is a previous (maybe original) very non-metal version of the song:
@tomley #lolnats
Hey with all the policy announcement by the non-Bernie candidates, what will Splinter blogger-hacks harp on when shitposting about them?
Will this include stopping subsidies to the meat industry?