Can’t wait until the national anthem gets changed to a more American version of
Can’t wait until the national anthem gets changed to a more American version of
Wonder if he thinks Annie Savoy would be able to be a manager.
Wonder if Keith Hernandez would approve of her as a coach.
I couldn’t find a better quality video - but hey, with the technology mentioned in this article, shouldn’t be too long!
The Fuzz was pretty fun, looking forward to this take on the puppet-cop human-cop comedy.
Fuck Ajit Pai.
Goddamn you all.
Fuck Ajit Pai.
My friend bought D2 and season pass. Hasn’t put in more than a total of 15 hours into it.
Hello? You don’t train to just train. You train to make the team. YOU.TRAIN.TO.MAKE.THE.TEAM.
Welcome to the world of Sal from Staten Island / your typical NY Post commentator. Not saying that DanielM is either of those, but.. yeah.. those are some pretty standard NY takes.
In my 3 second attempt, I couldn’t find anything about what Minnesota sports radio was saying this morning.
Commenting without RTFA is like making a tangentially relevant sports analogy that still doesn’t work. In other words - peak Kinja.
Then Zagitova fell on her very first jumping pass. And then she fell two more times after that. Forget winning—Zagitova wasn’t even going to medal.
So this is the new Ken M, right?
Lol hunter has come a long way from LMM
Lol hunter
Wow, Jets fans go to BlackHawks games!?
Sorry for linking to the Post, but Daniels feels that this violates the NDA and it seems like it is okay for her to talk: