
Look, Internet person. Medicine is hard. I don't understand medicine. It is a lot easier to think that the pinko-in-chief is out to get me and my blaze-ified babies.

I have no idea how this emoticon is not *the* definitive thing of 2014.

Y'all gonna miss out on some real awesome manning face, though

I hope not. It's already too damned hot for the damned mets

I love these stories because we get to see the visual representation of Derp.

Meanwhile, #lolmets are content to just sit around and wait for everyone to fill their needs before striking!

Anyone remarking on homerism on the YES network clearly has never watched the YES network, or even bothered to meander through its listings on whatever we are calling the TV Guide these days...

This. I wonder if there will be an update to this post to explain the genius behind the sign.

Great, now the Japanese fleets have new 'subjects' for their 'research'.

I wonder if the MPIAA will go after these guys as much as they go after Aunt Bertha when little Jimmy Napstered Stuart Little.

chuck pagano always did act like he is the Pope...

gallileo vs inquisition

Now playing

Honestly I had a 386 that didn't have a sound card so although I had the music, I never had the voice. It is rather grating with the voice...

by the many arms of vishnu, you're right!

your stats just show that there are a lot of lunatics in the usa espousing fringe concepts.

once the comic book fad dries up, someone needs to give this another shot. Maybe 2 movies? Trilogy?

Well as long as the profits are okay....

My partner's coworker's child is interested in a career in cyber security. What resource can be used to find schools that can empower the next generation with the skills and tools necessary to succeed in this field?

Dang why is everyone so darn serious?