
sorry, you'll never get anyone with a soapbox & an audience to agree to that out here in NY. LOLMETS is too easy of click bait.


no Captain left behind

was one of the tags for the stock photo "80's villain"? Because ... Holy michAel Douglass bAtman

"Well, you know, in my day, a woman had the decency to disappear for a year whenever she got knocked up."

roger's next q&a:


try harder manish. You got your job trolling the mets and the jets.

incoming news from the Patriots camp that Revis is now holding out for more money in 3...2....1......

I love NFL stories because they let me revisit some of my favorite pics of all time:

Can we add #lolmets to this?

Maybe, but maybe not. Logan is white - he has that going for him.


someone photoshopped Chris Christie from a bridge gate press conference into a Brazilian jersey.

I'm still waiting for Schindler's List sniper scene photoshopped to include flopping Brazilian players, set to Guile's Theme.

I'm too scared to ask where the still are from.

is James on Twitter? I would love to see what Colombia are saying now.

soooo photoshop winner will be shindler's list sniper scene with Brazil set to guile's theme?

buzzfeed's post tomorrow - Brazil/Germany or red wedding?