So this. My daughter's cool aunt and uncle bought her a toy workbench, with a hammer and other tools. My brother-in-law said, "What's with the workbench? Did they think she was a boy?!" To which I responded: "Girls can use tools too, dumbass." :)
So this. My daughter's cool aunt and uncle bought her a toy workbench, with a hammer and other tools. My brother-in-law said, "What's with the workbench? Did they think she was a boy?!" To which I responded: "Girls can use tools too, dumbass." :)
"Flight attendants have to learn hundreds of regulations and know the safety features of all of the aircraft in their airline’s fleet. They must know how to evacuate the plane on land or sea within 90 seconds; fight fires 35,000 feet in the air; keep a heart attack or stroke victim alive; calm an anxious, aggressive,…
I've often explained to pro-forced birthers that my stance is not pro-choice only because I am pro-abortion, but because any government that can force women to give birth when they are unwilling can also force women to not give birth.
This is such a horrifying, disgusting violation of these women's reproductive rights. I hope these doctors get the maximum punishment.
I can haz eats him now?! Nom nom nom nom nom!
"Over a 10-year period, that isn't a huge amount of money," Heinrich said, "compared to what you save in welfare paying for these unwanted children – as they procreated more."
Black and Brown people aren't people to fundamentalist.
Weird, because Skinner v. Oklahoma, from over 70 years ago, clearly holds that compulsory sterilization as a punishment for a crime applied to certain crimes is unconstitutional.
UGH. So, last weekend I ran into my Republican frenemy and he asked me where I'm working for the summer. When I told him I'm working for a reproductive rights organization, he said "oh, so what you really mean is you're working for non-reproductive rights?" implying that my job is just to go around and yell "Abortions…
Where are the fundamentalists condemning this practice? Women are designed specifically for the purpose of procreating! Women are vessels for babies! The government preventing babies from being created?
Also Betty White is in the film as the Grandma who makes dirty comments.
Who will Colin Firth and Hugh Grant play? I'm thinking the head dog trainer and the blind woman's sleaze-with-a-heart-of-gold boss, respectively.
Wait. I thought ultrasounds weren't germane to the topic of abortion.
I would listen to the fighting couple, if only because you're currently casting full blame on both of them, when there's a possibility that it may be more of a one-sided crazy. If one of them is being abused by the other, wouldn't you want to stand by that person? I mean, don't ask them to babysit again or anything,…
God made staplers for a reason.
Don't vagina-shame those of us with two or more vaginas! I call for an end to this single-vagina hate speech. Shame on you!