
With jets, a lot of the most important secrets are in the metalurgy, not so much the actual design. That’s why when the Soviets were given plans for the Whittle jet engine and a tour of the plant, they wore shoes with sticky soles to pick up some shavings.

He won't want to shave his beard for that pretentious old folks home known as the NY Yankees.

I think this rant actually qualifies as three delegates for Donald Trump.

That’s what happens when two schools, whose mascots are Duffman and the Alien from Signs, meet on a basketball court.

“You’re doing it wrong — we don’t even have to go through all that trouble of hiding revenue from players.”

Ciara already tried a Future upgrade; it didn’t take.

Glitches in his programming. Future upgrades will make it even harder for him to fail the Turing test.

Jean Paul Sartre: “Hell is Other People”

One of my favorite sentiments is “never light yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.” You can’t help or be there for anyone else if you can’t keep yourself whole and sane.

Especially since they stole it from Texas A&M, who have been calling themselves the 12th man for almost 100 years, and actually have it copyrighted. I’d love to see them sue the Seahawks and never hear that garbage from them again.

Is it just me or do Seahawks fans remind you of people who came into money quickly, only to discover they can’t handle being rich?

Calm down there, Satan.

This is not discrimination against women.

Such a weird photo. Its like what they do in Europe when a soccer team signs a new player. They run them out in an empty stadium and play with a ball for a few minutes while everyone takes pictures.

That must be the most infuriated she’s been in all her 4 years as a Seahawks fan.

Are Seahawks fans quickly becoming the #BestFansInBaseball of the NFL?

I feel like the follow-up questions were: “Cat? Good. What kind of cat? A tiger! Good! What kind of tiger? Not a Siberian of course, maybe something Indian with say, Bengal stripes maybe? Please say Bengal!”

“YOU’RE NOT EVEN MY REAL COACH!” *slams playbook and runs out of meeting room*

Great kinja