
Here's a point I don't understand:

DC's scared of it for one of the dumbest ideas that they will "dilute" Batman and Superman if they make appearances. If I knew that Batman was going to pop up in Arrow I'd use that as a way to charge more for advertising while the show aired. Simply because people would be GLUED to their TV's in order to watch it.

I would agree with you to the point that AFTER WS came out SHIELD has used that to strengthen the base story line of the show so well. It's inevitable that the Marvel Movie Universe will pepper itself with events that happen in SHIELD. There have been many times where one entity (whether it be movies or TV) has had a

If you need a group of friends than check out our org: Flucrum Cargo and Consulting. Older guys with families, so it's come and go as your life needs.

You are aware of the history of the Crow comic books? He wrote them because his Fiancee' died in a car accident. Then while making the movie Brandon Lee gets killed.I would really be hesitant to see what happens in association with this one...

The Dogfighting module released here in a few days, if you buy a cheaper ship you will be loaned a Hornet until your ship is built and added to the DFM. You can start with a cheap ship, then as you want to upgrade to another ship (if you don't want to keep that one) melt it down and add the cost of it to the total

You can link more than one Gamertag to one Netflix account.

If you're a gamer over the age of 25 you should check out 2Old2Play.com. We have a wonderful BL2 group(s) going...

Your belief isn't true, I use NF on 2 Xboxes concurrently all the time, it mostly falls down to your bandwidth being able to support it.

Lol, because MS makes more money if you buy the chatpad so you can enter your CC info faster. It gets frustrating and tedious to enter it using the thumb sticks....

"as little as 10%" would be highly unlikely. I'm sure if the gaming industry wanted Gamestop out of business they could find a way collectively. Personally I think they deserve it, being that I've worked for them (for a Christmas holiday mind you) and know that most of their employees could know less about gaming than

At what point was the "MS is getting 90%" tossed into the report? Gamestop is already losing money before this idea is even implemented, simply because it's very happy with cheating customers using it's own business practices. So what MS and publishers are proposing isn't really going to change that.

Unfortunately, most have already given them the justification they need to do it again. People bought the game, they made their money, that is the only thing they care to pay attention to..

Then again, if the wounds depicted are that bad on a human, the paramedics should be on their way already...

Odds are it will be some time before it gets to the public. The military will continue to test it and then the feds will release it to paramedics. Once they feel all the bugs are worked out THEN it will get to the public.

If you're going by the "slang" that TT uses, shes going by what, late 90's early 2000's. She's a product of the time, not the mouths that it came out of. What started in the black community spread out to become the defining language of a generation. Much like "Dude" and "Far Out Man" of the 70's... When you watch any

There are ways around this "resold games" costing publishers money. Online-downloadable games people short and simple. If a developer is wanting to develop a new IP awesome. Create it in digital format and distribute it. There are two ways to do this as well, renting and buying.

While I can certainly understand that they paid $60+ for the game. Unless they are an investor or creator/writer of that game, Bioware is not under obligigation to do as they demand. Therefore they can just deal with it. They expect something they had no guarantee of, and therefore have no leg to stand on. God knows

OK, so it's got a more powerful processor than an Xbozx 360 or PS3... It's still only a 9 inch screen!