
Spoilers for the game here but: People can call him emo or whatever but he's anything but. In fact, I believe Squall to be the most realistic male protagonist Square ever created. He's a guy who's just trying to go through school to become a SeeD. At every turn he's faced with idiots and weirdos and he just wants to


Character: Garrus Vakarian

Originally, no. Ghandi was programmed to be THE most peaceful civ/leader in Civ1, but the advent of the modern age or democracy as a government type or something (I forget what exactly, prolly the democracy civic) would make an AI civ's aggressive tendencies lower and more seldom...which is fine and dandy, except for

Totally agree. People need to get off the xbox hate bandwagon. Kinect 1 was good but flawed. The new one can read emotions and work in dark? And works closer to the device. Pstaku needs to cop on.

One thing I like about Apple is they announce something and deliver it a week or two later. I may not be an iOS user but I do admire that about them. Any, and I mean ANY, Android phone I have ever wanted has had images leak, FCC pictures leak for weeks or months before release. Then the real announcement comes and

As an owner of a iPhone 5, I must say that if the 5s is really 2x faster, then that is pretty amazing. As it stands, the 5 is really fantastically quick, especially when compared with my previous iPhone 4. I'm impressed that they keep upping the core speeds so dramatically.

Remember, just about anything Nokia does, apple will eventually copy (badly, and without permission usually) on their phones:

It's the . . . Apple iLumia!

Wow, what a surprise, the new iPhone looks identical to every other iPhone I've ever seen. I really don't see the appeal with Apple's products. They all look identical. And I'm really not a fan of the OS. I find it confusing and not very user friendly. I'm going to stick to my Windows/Linux dual boot computer and

Everything you need to know: apple's stock is going to take another nosedive like it did after the 5.

S... as in "Same"

Apple fans last week: The plastic S4 is so unworthy of touching my highly refined skin. Cast it aside with the rest and bring me another latte.

All I can see anytime I see this is Wilfork being a fucking beast.

Agreed. I have been merciless about the launch issues, but once you actually get to play the game, it is fantastic.

Agreed. As much as I started out saying that it happens to every MMO(and I still think some of this was unpredictable due to the early access being hailed by many gaming sites, hence pre-orders shot up at the last minute), they should've been prepared for huge loads. The game however, when you can play it, is