
except That's not the Joke. the strip does not "laugh in the face of someone because they were raped!!!!"

he's been using the rotting apple devices. that's where all the hate comes from, you're not allowed to use those devices until they brainwash you to hate all other devices as others "just copied what they first had"

True, the Xbox, Zune, and Surface devices have all been disgusting. Where have you been the past five years?

Because there once was a crowd of enemies. Now there is an enemy, a sheep, a banished enemy, a sleeping enemy and an enemy that is now an ally. No longer a crowd.

Because in an MMO you are often in a party.

Except your normal store bought content acted JUST like digital copies. You could have gone to your friends house and not brought the game over and lent it to him by recovering your account.

Better yet, you could've just shared the game with him (sharing a real copy via the digital copy) without even going to his

How are they at all thin-skinned? That's the stupidest garbage someone's said on here. They disagree with PA's position and have decided not to be in the show. There's nothing delicate or "snowflake"-like about that. You have no understanding of the issue.

See...this is why I don't deal with the whole man/woman/trans/xeno/hydra/quadro/blended/neutral/mixed/furry whatever the fuck you kids call yourselves these days. I'm not dealing with it.

You have successfully constructed a monumental labyrinth in which to navigate gender. I'm sure you're very proud of yourselves.

So many thin-skinned people demanding to be treated like the world's most valuable snowflake.

The controversy is about the fact that he guy said that the definition of a woman is someone with a vagina. I'm sorry, but this is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.

Microsoft fixes the major problem with the Xbox One, and based on the discussions of various Kotaku articles, people still hate it. Accept it guys, they did something nice for us.

Innovation lost. Stagnation won, that is a massive loss. We have the same consoles for another decade now. Today wasn't a celebration - it was extremely disappointing.

but they didn't. By ditching the DRM the Xbone lost its greatest feature, the family plan. It was the only thing on xbox i was looking forward to, now its gone, i guess i am going PS4 for sure now.

Most of the people aren't saying "no changes". They're just saying "not the bad ones that benefit no one but big business."

I wonder though, if we choose not to install this patch, will we still be able to share games with family and have all of our games travel with us via the cloud and have all the other benefits of the original model? I hope MS gives us the option to choose NOT to install the patch and I hope they will support those who

You see this is your problem. You want to start a petition. Thats what a reasonable and intelligent person would do, and sadly what we got today was catering to the ragey-whiney-struck-in-the-past internet committing crowd. And now we have all lost.

Best we can hope for is voluntary opt-in to a sharing program in which people agree to participate in authentication for the software in question.

No, probably not, because *excuse me* all those fuckin' entitled "consumer rights" cocksuckers couldn't just buy the PS4. Microsoft showed some great new features. In my opinion Sony showed Playstation 3.5 that's it, nothing more EXTREMELY conservative.