it's basically the same armor the basic marines wear in the game...
it's basically the same armor the basic marines wear in the game...
So, how much profit did Zynga make last year?
Also, no feeling that i have to rush to max level because that's when the game starts and leveling is a chore... leveling in GW2 is awesome
i hava a feeling that i could never go back to WoW after trying GW2... looking back, it feels primitive...
because it's faster than 7, boots in seconds and has some nifty stuff?
Not a chance... we still haven't even gotten Halo 3 for the PC...
Feet First Into Hell
Not as poseable as a Play Arts (they can't kneel, for example) but with some patience you can get some good poses. Ihave some shots on my instagram ( ) and one of my friends has a ton more shots on his ( )
if you want a full set of spartans the McFarlane series are pretty good... i just got Halo 4's MAster Chief and it's pretty detailed and the material is fairly good... plus, it was only 20 bucks shipped to south america
They forgot the login queues and crashed servers that have been a staple of every expansion launch
I like Gizmodo a lot, except when it comes to Apple... for some reason they feel they need to justify and defend every decision Apple makes...
Look at the bright side: at least it's only 14 more days to Forward Unto Dawn :P
It's the strategy actually... once you come to understand the game you realize the mental component is even more important than the physical one... It's a game of trying to outsmart your oponent as much as it is trying to outrun him. There are very few soccer coaches that think this way (a stand out being Marcelo…
This game can't come out soon enough... the next 45 days are gonna be looooong
To be fair soccer is pretty lame, and football is awesome (and i say this despite being born and having lived all of my life in south america)
I'd move to the U.S. in a heartbeat if it wasn't such a pain in the ass to get a work visa (need to have a job watiting for you to get a visa, but no company will give you a job if you don't already have a visa...)
As far as i understand it, the difference is that you can play Torchligh II offline
Dogs feel not so much that they own you, but that you mutually own each other... they are pack animals, and adop their families as their packs
Was gonna say the same thing... i like how you can make the game a thirdperson shooter, a melee action game or a stealth game... or any combination of the three