
No PC version :(

found them, but only because i make hunting bush wookies in BF3 my hobby

This game can't come soon enough...

who owns a 16:9 phone? basically everyone with a mid-high to high range android phone...

i LOVED that song... it fit the game perfectly

This is awesome. MW is still my favorite NFS. I liked the tracks, and the final pursuit was just epic.

Readyness is only increased by Multiplayer, it is a multiplier that applies to your Total Military Strength to determine your Effective Strength

Looks nice, and it's actually something i would carry everyday... Ifi were to buy a gaming laptop, this is the kind of machine i would buy

My first PC ran an 8088 at 10mhz, 640k of ram, loaded DOS from ROM, and, being a cutting edge machine, it was equipped with a... 3,5 inch floppy drive.

looks interesting... of course, the lack of haptic feedback will hurt the experience, but i can see this being fun

You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman and have left me without anything else to add

Sauce Boss is the school Headmaster...

in before Apple starts suing other manufacturers for using this design

xboc 360 controller... it fits the hand like a glove

Seems like a bold move for nvidia...

i must be the only person on earth that has never had an issue with GFWL...

Looks like fun... religion was one of my favorite features in IV... i have a feeling it will be very useful for me, since i tend to avoid confrontation and try to play my enemies against each other, and religion just adds one more thing for them to fight over

looks very nice... if that's how it will look on consoles i wonder what it will look like on PC

Sometimes i wish i could still play WoW...

if they can take 720p video and are affordable enough, they could be good competition for the GoPros of the world, particularly because you could actually know what you're recording, since it sits at eye level