
huh... i have all 7 signs... i try to take breaks when working, but that usually means that i have to stay longer at the end of the day or take work home...

yup Battlefield 3... it can get very frustrating when none of your friends plays in PC, but sometimes you find the rare squad that works and it makes it worth it :P

Finding a squad that understands the concept of "fire and maneuver" and attacking an objective with them

i was playing the game taking turns with a friend, and while we didn't cry at the time, he did snap the controller in 2... luckily we had a spare...

i love visual novels... too bad there's so few of them in english :(

Actually, in the PS3 it looks pretty much like it does on medium on PC

That's my favorite as well... lot's of flanking routes but also lots of good fixed positions to suppress from

looks like fun. Nothing wrong with adding more variety to the game.

i guess in the worse case scenario it can jetison the weapons if it needs to hide or run from a SAM or something

i wonder how all those missiles dangling from the wings affect the stealth capabilities

Mtn. Dew, Velveeta Mac and Cheese, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

couldn't agree more... i still remember Encarta and their contemporaries, and i still remember how Wikipedia killed them with nothing but pure unadultarated awesome

well, today is 4/20...


would love to read the full book... hopefully we'll get an english translation at some point

uh... i guess i've been spiled by my 15mb connection...

i think GFWL takes a lot of unwarranted heat these days....

LS is basically Seinfeld with japanese schoolgirls

will have to give it a try, for the graphic prettyness if nothing else

that is... just...