
couldn't agree more... i still remember Encarta and their contemporaries, and i still remember how Wikipedia killed them with nothing but pure unadultarated awesome

well, today is 4/20...


would love to read the full book... hopefully we'll get an english translation at some point

uh... i guess i've been spiled by my 15mb connection...

i think GFWL takes a lot of unwarranted heat these days....

LS is basically Seinfeld with japanese schoolgirls

will have to give it a try, for the graphic prettyness if nothing else

that is... just...

The more i read about this, the more it's looking like a preorder for me...

They can cry artistic integrity all the like, but the truth is the current ending goes AGAINST the artistic vision of the rest of the game... it trashes all the previous themes in the series with an ass-pulled Deus ex Machina in a failed attempt at bullshit hipster "oh look at me i'm so intellectual" fake depth...

except that those FTL drives burn through fuel really fast, and the main fuel production facilities in the galaxy are in a whole different cluster...

Not to mention that we did see a lot of what happened between ME2 and ME3 in DLC

they'll probably just add a couple of lines to the Catalyst where he explains that this way of destroying the mass relays won't destroy the systems...

Bioware should hire that guy

hopefully it will lead to developers taking a second look at writing after noticing that people end up actually caring about what happens in games, not just about the gameplay

i thought the sarcasm was implied... i guess not...

If all they are doing is adding more exposition to the ending, it will still be broken... as long as it remains a choice that renders every other choice in three games irrelevant, it will still be a crappy ending...

I think someone should start a campaign to stop religion...

really? without having to even boot the game i can start throwing plenty of heteroseaxual couples in the game at you: