this is how ME3 would look if it was a PC exclusive
this is how ME3 would look if it was a PC exclusive
lies and trickery...
While a raise is always good, it does nothing to change the poor working conditions, which extend far beyond the horrible pay...
The windows dialog is a LOT friendlier for the unsigned apps... it tells you it's an unsigned app, but it doesn't tell you you should erase it, and it actually lets you just click "yes" to go ahead and install anyway. The OSX prompt doesn't even tell you you can disable the setting in order to install the app...
oh Apple... oh far you have come since the 1984 app... All Apple envireoments have now turned into police states... play ball or get killed...
could be worse... because i live in a country that speaks spanish i am force to pay in euro, despite not living in europe. The exchange rate for euro is much less favorable than the dollar, which means that Origin games will always be more expensive for me tham Steam (which charges in dollars)
This man needs a Star
the main caveat i had was that a lot of the time it looks horrible... i'm sure console players will think it looks fine, but some of the textures were so low res that i couldn't really see anything else.
i just finished a game on the Epic setting when i was almost able to keep peace through the whole game... Montezuma betrayed me at one point, but luckily he was so far behind that it only took a few units to get rid of him. I ended up winning a cultural victory.
woot! religion is back... i always loved having a strong culture and religion and having bordering cities defecting to my empire
that is pretty awesome
Most of the hate was because you can only buy AAA EA games on Origin now... if they had just opened the store and kept selling on steam they could've avoided the hate.
agreed, loving the PC news... just wish there wer emore of them :P
i disagree... it's better that they don't release the game than they release a bad port that will give people more trouble than it is worth and reinforce bad PC gaming stereotypes (it's too complicated, it's full of pirates, etc)
sounds about right i guess... once again the suits screwing with us nerds :P
"Better no game at all that a broken disappointment, right?"
yeah, before reading the reviews i hadn't noticed the narrower memory bus... still, you would expect a change in architecture this deep to be able to at least match the jump from the 4000 to 5000 series (the 5770 was about as fast as a 4850 if i recall correctly)
having just bought a 6850, i was pissed when i saw this cards just released... then i saw the reviews and it went away... so far the 7770 seems to be slower than the 6850
ooooook... i'll tackle this one at a time
I still fail to see the point in gaming laptops... i'd rather buy a new top of the line desktop and a Vita with all that money... and still have some to spare....