
living in Chile i understand what you mean... but i also have been to NYC, and the hostel i stayed at shook when the subway passed under it... so i'm guessing they are not really prepared for earthquakes, so even a small tremos must freak them out

as far as i know, best chance to get into one of those is going to a Con that has them

offer experiences that people can't get at home... Battletech pods, for example

wow, that is simply awesome... i've been contemplating buying a console (so far been a pure PC gamer my whole life), and this will help make that decission

VOTE: Prey

used it for the BF3 alpha... it's absolutely horrible... it will take years for it to be close to what Steam is now...

obtaining super user permission. since Android is based on linux, getting root allows you to do many cool things with it. It's similar to jailbreaking in iOS, only more powerful

that's pretty muchb a laundry list of all the things i've been wanting from the game... just when i think i'm out, they pull me back in :P

that would be pure win

I guess this is Apple realizing that Android tablets are gonna end up bigger than the ipad, just like Android Phones ended up bigger than the iPhone

Once the reality distortion field is gone, i can't see Apple doing very good... at the very least they won't be able to release minor upgrades to products and call them revolutionary...

well, i guess that saves me 60 bucks, since i'll stay with BC2 for the foreseeable future

Sad. I guess i won't be buying BF3 after all...

yeah i can't see how this can be done either...

haven't had a chance to play it yet, but have you tried alt+enter? it works in BC2 to go in and out of Fullscreen, so maybe it will work here

september is the open beta... right now there is a closed alpha... i got an invite on the email last night, but i won't be able to play it until after work today :(

so, who else got in the BF3 alpha?

make that three of us...

it's an artificial distinction... if they are gonna claim to be journalists (like they did as a defense against the seizure of their material during the whole leaked iphone 4 thing( then they have to maintain at least a modicum of journalistic integrity...

seeing as any QT apps developed for S^3 should be easy, if not trivial, to port to MeeGo, i wouldn't count it out of the fight yet...