
well, i guess that saves me 60 bucks, since i'll stay with BC2 for the foreseeable future

Sad. I guess i won't be buying BF3 after all...

yeah i can't see how this can be done either...

haven't had a chance to play it yet, but have you tried alt+enter? it works in BC2 to go in and out of Fullscreen, so maybe it will work here

september is the open beta... right now there is a closed alpha... i got an invite on the email last night, but i won't be able to play it until after work today :(

so, who else got in the BF3 alpha?

make that three of us...

it's an artificial distinction... if they are gonna claim to be journalists (like they did as a defense against the seizure of their material during the whole leaked iphone 4 thing( then they have to maintain at least a modicum of journalistic integrity...

seeing as any QT apps developed for S^3 should be easy, if not trivial, to port to MeeGo, i wouldn't count it out of the fight yet...

and yet, engadget is calling it " a damn fone smartphone"

console only :(

Battlefield BC2 MP, RF: Guerrilla, Darksiders and Champions Online... gotta clear that backlog

Doesn't work for me... cámera app freezes and then Force Close

Xbox flashbacks too.... my hands hurt already...

this dogs go through a whole different training process to sort of de-train them... keep the basic obedience, remove the agression

i do! it was awesome... pure old school manliness :P

Darksiders is actually a good choice... what with it taking place during the apocalypse and all

1 year: Freespace 3

This is pretty much the ine thing keeping me from switching my main desktop to Ubuntu... (my netbook has been running it for a while)