no CAT5? i'd love to replace my network wiring with this...
no CAT5? i'd love to replace my network wiring with this...
meh, they don't allow digital distribution to south america, so i wasn't gonna play it anyway even if they release it
@Joachim Deutsch: who even sees the menu? i go straight from steam's servers window to the game... i haven't seen the main menu in months
@Saboth: i'd watch that movie
As a journalist myself, all i can say is: screw this...
@TheFu: you can also download maps to S60 phones with Ovi Suite, and then use turn by turn navigation with them...
i am conflicted about it... part of me feel ssatisfied (mostly the part that cared about the characters) and another part of me feels unsatisfied (the part of me that cared about the myth arc of the island, and the unanswered questions)...
i spent 3 four month seasons living and working in the US (upstate NY) and i never once saw a Kmart... i'm convinced they are a myth
@Dannygeist: pretty much what you said...
@Gruntybreath: you read my mind...
seems to me like a glorified expansion pack... same main character, same historic period, etc.
@BiezulbubBill69: it's like 10 years old, so i'm gonna say no
man i miss Pandora... too bad they started blocking anyone outside the US...
i bought a 3 feet (for cable box to tv) and a 10 feet (for PC to TV) for less than bucks shipped... and they even have gold plated connectors...
Visible and on the right... with widescreen monitors it makes a lot more sense to have it on one of the saides rather than at the top or bottom.
@Johann Schmidt: i have the exact same issue with boxee... all the online support means nothing if it can't support my local media...
@James, just James: meh, wouldn't really be a fair fight... you can't put the peak of the Super Robot genre against the founder of the Real Robot genre and expect anything but a curbstomp
I Knocked Boots With...
catching up on games i missed in almost 2 years of not having a gaming PC (i had to sell mine and buy a laptop to work on my thesis), while at the same time keeping up with new games...