Amici Veritas

“...he’s earning $5,569.41 per month through Patreon donations.”

If only SAO was not not complete crap and a sorry excuse for a anime I might actually bother picking this up. Oh well hope it is good for those who enjoy it.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You’re comparing a toy with squishy boobs to snuff and child porn...just take a step back, and look at your comparison for a second.

lol. imagine if clothing actually wrapped around your butt like that... lol...

I'm half Korean half Caucasian. I dealt with people like this growing up. My parents divorced so I moved a lot. When I was living mainland U.S. (Washington state), I was called a "gook" and a "chink". When I moved to Hawaii to live with my mom, I was called "haole (white) shit" by ironically enough, Koreans.

"The only time I ever play a game on a console anymore is to use his Xbox to sign into his account, boot up Skyrim, and just sit there looking at the last thing he saw in the game. I never move his character, save, or do anything since it wouldn't be his character anymore. He is frozen in time just like my young

Considering every commercial I've seen for the game has only had quotes like "Visually stunning!" and "Amazing Graphics!" I'm sure it's safe to say that, yes, that was their whole strategy.

This is what future alien races will find, the remnants of our civilization. Not the grand buildings, the deeds both good and evil over the years of the human race, but Kevin Motherfucking Spacey photoshopped onto other people.

It's not even a catchphrase. It's like a mental illness.

I...I.... um...I...

Lol the first thing I thought of was when they had that trailer for the "live-action Zelda movie" a few years back.

I see IGN is starting April Fools a little early this year ....

That's a modification though.

Command blocks are a modification. So it is modded, and you lied...

I thought it was my computer that was lagging since it is a few years old. It was throwing me off until I just paid more attention to the subtitles than the actual faces. I knew watching old school kung-fu movies with the captions on would pay off some day.

I will be playing dying light, one day you too can play it amd.

"If you don't escape in time, the monsters go into alert, which reminds me of GTA V's cop chases except with zombies instead of police."