Amici Veritas

Thanks! Don’t tell, but it’s my favorite game.

I really love your coverage of Smash content Cecilia.

You had me until “courage,” at which point half of my cup of coffee sprayed out of my mouth and onto the screen.

I’ve discovered what’s wrong with gaming these days. It’s you.

He mad.

You ok?

Hahah, basically!

In Russia, Pokemon Go catch's you.

The impact that would have on that kid’s life would be crazy.

My nephew tried this, but apparently a hero who controls butts is not within the scope of their “artistic design”.

They’re saying tough shit.

Nothing but respect for the guy who makes these decisions. I haven’t played Rust myself, but I love reading people’s reactions to not being able to choose things about their avatar. Too many people seem to think gaming is all about player choice, and I like it when games restrict that in interesting ways.

Why should they “have” to let people choose? Because that’s what every other game does and everything should be the same? Just let the creators have their vision my god.

I mean, there are plenty of folks in *real life* who are irritated with what gender they are, or what race they were born as, or how their body parts are shaped. I think it’s great to see a game stick to its guns in exploring that idea in an interactive medium. It’s a way, if limited in scope and a bit silly, to step

This campaign had all the hallmarks of a safe-to-back KS except for the absurdly low final goal and no mention of outside funding. That’s why I didn’t back it, and I am glad I did not.

Nah, it’s not a bad game by any means.

except Fallout 4 was the best game in the series in my opinion, so suck it with your negativity.

Don't cut yourself on all that edge.

My god...someone get this guy a job at whatever company is making this game ASAP!

At first I thought shut up you whiny bitch some of us want this simplistic way. Then you came up with an amazing idea that I hope they see. We make the map so it still can be wrong and is all part of our individual story as its how the individual interprets the world as well. Easy way to get on social media too if