I've never seen the problem unless people think steam should hold a higher standard and are personally insulted that they don't. After all you're on the internet buying a digital game. The same internet that lets you look up said game to see if its any good. If you can't bother to do that then its your own damn fault.…
Idiotic. Making the game less fun to play on the go and making it difficult to enjoy without having to feel frustrated is not what a game should be, and much of why I've waited so long for a remake to play Majora's Mask in the first place. Saving should be anywhere, anytime (outside of battles and exploitable…
Try again.
Reading is fun!
"Note that the Majora's Mask remake doesn't require the new, more powerful 3DS. It will run on existing models. But what I saw yesterday was running on the New 3DS XL."
I played it on the original 3DS and it felt great, but I've been playing OoT without a second analog stick for over a decade.
This is exactly why I was getting mad at gamers during this whole DDoS attack against Sony and Microsoft. Yes, it sucked to not play games online for a couple days, but for crying out loud, it's such a first-world problem. We complained about "our holidays" being ruined or messed up, but we had no problem not thinking…
...but, but it's just a copy!
Right, bro. In an environment where goods are mostly sold as "copies," your "it's not really theft," argument no longer works.
Fuck pirates.
Off to buy The Talos Principle just to support this kind of awesome response to shitty, entitled little assholes right now.
Thought someone actually made some kind of puzzle/adventure game about actual Black Beard-y pirates trapped in an actual elevator. Kinda disappointed.
Dont know why anyone would go pay to see a touched up abridged version of a TV series. If it were live action I could understand, but this I dont get.
"Wow. Entitled much?"
If I paid for a product, I damn well expect to get said product when it comes out. And in lieu of said product, I expect a refund. That's not entitlement, that's BUSINESS.
if i paid for it YES THE FUCK I AM. But since nobody knows yet we'll just wait it out.
"We're actually going to add this really weird content in this game, but women still would have been too hard to animate"
That... is the most interesting way to describe a person ever.
The more I read about Destiny, the more I think that neither Activison nor Bungie themselves ever had a real plan for it.