I usually just use the green shells in the same way I use banana peels (held behind me as defense until I'm coming up on the next set of item boxes), but it is always especially pleasing when a green shell connects.
I usually just use the green shells in the same way I use banana peels (held behind me as defense until I'm coming up on the next set of item boxes), but it is always especially pleasing when a green shell connects.
Did anyone really think swordfighters actually did funny twirls in real life? Any idiot who did that would simply end up 6 feet under.
I may not be a fan of his, but I have respect for him doing it. I don't imagine anything productive coming out of the comment section of a PewDiePie video, and his die hard fans are the worst.
The 10th type has to be the 8 Year-Old "Pro".
You know, while this is very impressive looking, I kind of hope that games never look like this. It looks too much like a movie. Jokes of games being too movie like in some cases aside, I like that games look like games. I don't think I ever want to play a game that looks like I'm controlling an absolute real person…
I've never been a fan of hyper-realism. I've found that game devs that choose to stick to a specific art-style tend to focus on better gameplay.
If you build it, they will cum.
Maybe he is just a very compassionate and rationale Ps4 owner.
I don't get why people DDOS gaming services, especially without a specific grievance. It just ruins the fun for everyone.
In 2002, someone on GameFaqs discovered something curious: there was a coin in Super Mario 64 on a course called…
I love that he does the breakdance kick move afterwards to celebrate. Nice touch.
Why should there be new "animations"? Just skin over a default player character animations with a female character model and call it a day. Modders do it all the time.
I mean, it doesn't matter if she's not playable. One assumes if she's a female assassin, they'll have to animate her assassinating some fools... right? So unless she's new, then their earlier statement would make no sense. Unless it's a story-cutscene-only thing, and she doesn't come with on missions.
I don't like changing the name of characters that are already a predefined "character". Link, Ryu from Breath of Fire, Tidus, I can't change the name of because it's weird. They have a life and stuff that's not mine, so why should I change their name to mine?
His name is Link. The second game is "The Adventure of Link" and the fourth is "Link's Awakening". And in Zelda 1, I think Zelda says "Thanks Link, you're the hero of Hyrule" regardless of what you named your file.
Haha, wow. You understand that this is a mod, yes? Nobody's trying to change everything to first person. Settle your jimmies.
If this is what you need to do to get a sense of achievement, you seriously need to rethink your life.
You know I had N64 but never played Majoras Mask so I would definitely buy this for my 3DS
So people buy these to be alone while they're at home?